Essential Studio for ASP.NET CORE Release Notes

October 31, 2023


Bug fixes

  • #I507979 - The issue where the clipboard was not cleared after using ‘CTRL+A’ + ‘CTRL+C’ + ‘ESC’ combination has been resolved.
  • #I513196 - The script error that occurred when printing a grouped hierarchical grid has been resolved.
  • #I511776 - The tooltip in the header template is now properly destroyed.
  • #I508400 - The problem where the aria-label was repeated twice when a string template was rendered in a column template has been resolved.
  • #I509734 - The issue where the freeze property was not working properly when the column field value was not defined has been fixed.
  • #I510683 - The problem of white space occurring while using AutoFit on a frozen column has been fixed.
  • #I508457 - When virtualization is enabled, the problem where editing a single field also changed the other field values with the previous edited value has been fixed.
  • #I496847 - The problem of hidden columns showing empty columns while copy pasting the grid content has been resolved.
  • #I508408 - The issue where freezing command columns were not working properly has been fixed.
  • #I452909 - Resolved a problem where the incorrect currency format was applied during server-side export to Excel.
  • #I513536 - Grouped column headers are now displaying properly in all themes.
  • #FB46958 - The problem with filtering the foreign key field having the same name has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I512697 - The issue of text not being preserved properly when converting PDF to PDF/A-2b has been successfully resolved.
  • #I512183 - The exception no longer occurs when removing the PDF bookmark.
  • #I513188 - The issue of text not being properly retrieved from the loaded XfaComboBox field has been resolved.
  • #I511614 - The issue of missing pattern elements in the converted EMF to PDF document has been fixed.
  • #I509181 - Null exceptions no longer occur when retrieving values from OCRLayout results.
  • #I506742 - The issue with ExportAsImage not working as expected when providing DPI resolution has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I500989 - Find API is now working properly for Detailed Process type SmartArt shape.
  • #I502634 - Relation ID is now added properly for image while replacing an existing image data in PowerPoint Presentation.
  • #I511583 - Custom shape is now preserved properly while converting a PowerPoint Presentation to PDF.
  • #I510013 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while saving the PowerPoint Presentation with cloned OLE Object.
  • #I513125 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while using GetActualHeight method.
  • PowerPoint Presentation to PDF with handout publishing option is now working properly.



#I510343 - Provided custom HTML attributes support for the Ribbon items

Bug fixes

  • #I497408 - The Sidebar flickering issue in right position when the ‘type’ isn’t ‘Auto’ has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I510360 - Image height and width are now preserved correctly while adding a picture in an Excel document.
  • #I511902 – JPG image is added properly while creating an Excel document.
  • #I510816 - The unwanted symbol is no longer added to a text while decoding the text in a shared string.
  • #I506153 - Space between cell border and accounting format text is now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #Fb47623 - Blank cells in chart data are no longer considered as zero when show empty cells as gaps option is enabled.
  • #Fb47720 - Scatter chart category axis label is now rendered properly in chart to image conversion
  • #Fb47718 - Chart axis tick marks are now rendered properly in chart-to-image conversion.
  • #Fb47622 - The chart data point with no line pattern is rendered properly in chart-to-image conversion.
  • #Fb47677 – The default marker issue in the scatter chart is now fixed in chart-to-image conversion.