Essential Studio for ASP.NET CORE Release Notes

October 17, 2023


Bug Fixes

  • #I503502 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while converting a DOCX format document to PDF.
  • #I504369 - Decimal number format is now preserved properly after executing mail merge.
  • The Japanese text is now properly split with English text while converting a Word document to PDF.


Bug fixes

  • #I510239 - Error occurs when changing the State through clicking the button rendered in the Column Template has been fixed.
  • #I494272 - In mobile view unable to interact with the page after double-clicking on the filter date icon issue has been fixed.
  • #I423460 - Fixed an issue where the grid froze with a loading spinner when collapsing grouped items in an infinite scroll enabled grid.
  • #I503487 - In the actionFailure event, the failure message argument is now sent correctly.
  • #I509249 - The script error that occurred when saving the edited row at the bottom in the presence of grouping has been fixed.
  • #I508136 - Row reorder occurs while editing with inline mode with grouping in complex data has been fixed.
  • #I490262 - The problem where checkbox filtering was not working properly when cancelling the filtering has been fixed.
  • #I504493 - The pager elements are now rendered correctly when the grid is hidden and then shown again.
  • #I511064 - The problem with frozenColumns are not working when declared in the dataBound event has been resolved.


Breaking Changes

  • Updated SkiaSharp and SkiaSharp.NativeAssets.Linux to v2.88.6 in PdfToImageConverter control.

Bug Fixes

  • #I509288 - The preservation issue will no longer occur when converting PDF to an image.
  • #I508682 - The preservation issue will no longer occur when converting PDF to PDF/A-2b.
  • #I509561 - Null Reference Exception no longer occurs when performing OCR with the chi sim language.


Bug Fixes

  • #I509192 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while opening a PowerPoint Presentation with custom chart relation.


No Changes for this product in this version.