Essential Studio for ASP.NET CORE Release Notes

March 23, 2023
We are pleased to announce that we have updated the versioning system of Essential Studio to a semantic format that provides greater clarity and consistency in versioning, making it easier for users to understand the significance of each Syncfusion release.

The new format consists of three components: Major, Minor, and Patch.

Format: Major.Minor.Patch
Example: 21.1.35

We believe that this change will enable our users to track and manage updates to our components effectively. We are excited to see how it enhances their experience.



  • The following components have been developed to meet industry standards and are now marked production-ready:
    • Rating
  • Updated the CRG Bundled resources delivery process in which shared the selected components resources download links are shared via mail instead of direct download from application.



  • #I320485 - Provided support to place a label at the center of the pie and donut charts. Find the UG documentation link here.
  • #I416444 - Provided support for a new chart type called range step area which is used to display the difference between minimum and maximum values over a certain time period. Find the demo link here.
  • #I396453, #I314160 - Provided support to customize the height and color of the error bar of each data point. Find the demo link here.

Breaking Changes

  • Starting from version v21.1.x, the value type of horizontalError, horizontalPositiveError, horizontalNegativeError, verticalError, verticalNegativeError and verticalPositiveError properties in error bar has been changed from a primitive data type (double) to an object data type.

Circular Gauge


  • #I416334 - The entire circular gauge, including the tooltip and legend, can now be rendered in the right-to-left (RTL) direction, which may be useful in some cultures. Find the UG documentation link here.


Bug Fixes

  • #F180478 - Now, the performance of diagram while enabling virtualization is improved.
  • #F180478 - Now, Overview is updated properly while enabling virtualization.
  • #I422299 - Now, swimlane child nodes is selectable after save and load.
  • #I436649 - Now, connector segment does not get split into multiple segment for top to bottom approach.
  • #I440967 - Now, Free hand connector segment collection restored after save and load the diagram.
  • #I441075 - Now, position change event does not get triggered while click on the swimlane header.


  • #I412159 - Provided support to trigger an event when the connector segment is dragged. Find the UG documentation link here.



  • State Persistence: Provide support to preserve the updated values of the dialog width and height when performing a page reload.



  • #I427722, #I433286 - Convert a Markdown file to a Word document. Find the UG documentation link here.
  • #I197763, #I227388, #I229518, #I298464, #I407308, #I437210 - Find elements in a Word document based on specified properties and their corresponding values. Find the UG documentation link here.
  • #I425049 - Apply built-in table style as base style for a custom table style in a Word document. Find the UG documentation link here.

Breaking Changes

  • From this release onwards, we no longer ship or support versions compatible with .NET Standard 1.2 and 1.4. Therefore, we strongly recommend upgrading to .NET Standard 2.0, .NET 6.0, or 7.0. 
  • #I424520 - An InvalidOperationException will be thrown when attempting to remove built-in styles from a Word document.

Bug Fixes

  • #I438158 - Unicode text is now rendered properly while converting a Word document to PDF\Image.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #425697 - Resolved the positioning and line spacing issue in shape document


  • #I249004, #I250933, #I256703, #I286287, #I290760, #I301513, #I313194, #I314827, #I316496, #I317964, #I320201, #I320872, #I327636, #I331310, #I333899, #I334058, #I334929, #I337202, #I341931, #I341953, #I345929, #I348344, #I349206, #I349683, #I349895, #I354081, #I356432 - Added support for continuous section break in DocumentEditor.
  • #I422408, #I435125 - Optimized SFDT file to reduce the file size relative to a Docx file.
  • #I330729, #I256794 - Added support to display bookmark start and end in DocumentEditor.
  • #I333042, #I349829 - Added support disable the auto focus to DocumentEditor.
  • #I175038 - Added API to modify the predefine styles in DocumentEditor.

Breaking Changes

  • Starting from version v21.1.x, the SFDT file generated in Word Processor component is optimized by default to reduce the file size. Hence, the optimized SFDT files can’t be directly manipulated as JSON string. Please refer the documentation.

Gantt Chart


  • #I419169 - Provided Taskbar drag and drop support and preventing taskbar overlap support by rendering in multiples lines for resource view in Gantt Chart. Please find the demo link here.
  • #I417330 - Provided support to disable parent predecessor by using allowParentDependency property. Please find the allowParentDependency link here.
  • #I413261 - Restricted offset value update based on enabling or disabling the UpdateOffsetOnTaskbarEdit. Please find the UpdateOffsetOnTaskbarEdit link here.
  • #I420482 - Provided option to disable date validation at initial load based on enabling or disabling the autoCalculateDateScheduling By disabling this autoCalculateDateScheduling we can improve load time performance by two time. Please find the autoCalculateDateScheduling link here.
  • Provided support for store pdf documentation in object as blob data.


Bug Fixes

  • #I439725 - The issue where an exception was thrown when attempting to filter ‘Blanks’ value using URL Adaptor in Excel filter has been resolved.
  • #F41177  - Resolved the issue exporting the hierarchy grid with different mode.
  • #I342921, #I407440 - The issue related to Content Security Policy violation that occurred while using grid paging and grouping has been resolved.
  • #I446747 - Script error occurred on foreignkey sample while trying to auto complete in filter menu issue has been fixed.
  • #I428772 - Fixed alignment issue with Dialog component header content and close icon on fluent theme. More Information.

New Features

  • Implemented a feature to limit column expansion over their specified width, preventing them from using more space. Demo.
  • #I225917, #F146138, #F150441 - Provided support to dynamically change both new columns and datasource simultaneously by using inbuilt changeDataSource method of Grid.
  • #I304073, #I301329, #I441756 - Now, the filtering functionality has been enhanced to include additional filter operators such as notcontains, notstartwith, notendwith, null, notnull, isempty, and isnotempty. Additionally, like and wildcard support have been added. Demo.
  • #I432547 - The security of the Grid component has been improved by the use of sanitization to remove any potentially untrusted strings and scripts. This feature can be enabled by setting the property enableHtmlSanitizer as true.

Breaking Changes

  • Unnecessary role attributes for Grid row cell and header elements have been removed to enhance accessibility standards.
  • The td element for e-detailcell in detail element has been only changed from a td element to the th element to enhance accessibility standards.

Image Editor


  • Provided the undo/redo support, that records all the actions so that it can be reverted later if necessary.
  • Provided pinch zoom support to zoom in or out the image while performing pinch on touch enabled devices. Find the UG documentation link here.
  • Provided mouse wheel zoom support to zoom in/out the image while scrolling mouse wheel with ctrl key press. Find the UG documentation link here.
  • Provided public method ‘getImageDimension’ to get the current image size with its coordinates.
  • Provided click event to get the current cursor position on the image.

Breaking Changes

Previous Enum Name Modified Enum Name
ImageFinetuneOptions ImageFinetuneOption
ImageFilterOptions ImageFilterOption
ImageEditorCommands ImageEditorCommand
Previous Event Name Modified Event Name
FineTuneValueChanging FinetuneValueChanging



  • #I275734, #I293775 - The appearance of the buttons and tooltips in the zoom toolbar can now be customized using built-in APIs. Find the UG documentation link here.
  • #I425592 - The marker rendered in the Maps can now be dragged and dropped in the desired location based on the requirement. Events are also supported to notify the drag start and end.


Breaking changes

  • From this release onwards, we no longer ship or support versions compatible with .NET Standard 1.2 and 1.4. Therefore, we strongly recommend upgrading to .NET Standard 2.0, .NET 6.0, or 7.0.


  • Added support to get and set custom properties in the form fields. Find the UG documentation link here.
  • Provided support to add an image in the center of QRCode in PDF and Image. Find the UG documentation link here.
  • #F179088 – Provided support for retrieving custom images from rubber stamp annotations. Find the UG documentation link here.
  • Provided support for importing and exporting annotations with an appearance in JSON format.
  • #I420880 – Provided support for adding TrueType fonts with full embedding. Find the UG documentation link here.
  • Provided support for converting TIFF images to PDF in .NET projects. Find the UG documentation link here.
  • Provided support for extracting accessibility tags from the PDF documents. Find the UG documentation link here.

Bug Fixes

  • #I437729 - Form fields are not preserved properly after converting PDF to PDF/A is now resolved.
  • #I425746 - Text extraction with line collection returns incorrect results for the specific document is now resolved.
  • #I436823 - Null reference exception no longer occurs when performing OCR for a specific PDF document.
  • #I438154 - “Parameter is not valid” exception occurs while performing redaction in a specific PDF document is now resolved.
  • #I438711 - Incorrect rendering no longer occurs while converting specific XPS files to PDF.
  • #I438588 - Text no longer breaks when saving a PDF with certain compression options enabled.
  • #I440543 - Text clipping no longer occurs when drawing the PDF grid with specific padding.
  • #I441813 - Unable to remove pages from the section of the PDF document is now resolved.
  • #I442052 - Invalid font style is no longer returned while extracting text lines from the PDF document.
  • #I440951 - The file size is now reduced properly during long-term verification with an external signature.
  • #I443203 - The unwanted characters are no longer returned during text extraction from the PDF documents.
  • #I437304 - Preservation issue no longer occurs while setting and flattening numeric values in the text box field.
  • #I436739 - Font color is not applied properly to the text box field items is now resolved.
  • #I438772 - Radio button field is now flattened properly in a specific PDF document.
  • #I440678 - PDF signature validation time taken is now reduced while validating the signature.
  • #F180498 - “IsLTVEnabed” no longer returns incorrect results while verifying signature validation for specific PDF documents.
  • #F180445 - “IsValid” API is not working properly in “TimeStamp” for invalid URIs is now resolved.
  • #I441102 - Fixed an issue where invalid revocation names were being displayed in the VRI dictionary when creating a long-term validation PDF.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #I437765 - Now, the script error does not occur when the update form field value API is used when a signature already has signature content.
  • #F180666 - Now, the exception does not occur while downloading the document after adding the type and uploading the handwritten signature and initial annotation.
  • #I428493 - Now, the signature image in the signature field is visible while printing in the other viewers changes made on the server side.
  • #I441773 - Now, the annotation positions are moving properly.
  • #I438960 - Now, the different culture date time is working properly while exporting annotations.
  • #I444307 - Now, the check box is not added to the left-most corner of the page.
  • #I444707 - Now, the signature dialog box footer button alignment is proper in the fluent theme.
  • #I440251 - Now, the typed handwritten signature is not broken into a new line after downloading and viewing in other viewers.
  • #I429508 - Now, the form fields appear properly in mobile mode.
  • #I433831 - The A4 document size is now properly set during printing.
  • #F180764 - Now, if you move the arrow or line annotations programmatically, their position won’t be changed during export.
  • #I429549 - Now, the checkbox displays properly during the print preview.
  • #I436286 - Now that the enable shape annotation is false, the script error no longer occurs.
  • #I429775 - Now, the problem with some specific document’s slow rendering has been resolved.
  • #I437396 - Now, when the page’s zoom level is higher, the resizer will not enable inside the annotation.
  • #I435370 - Now, the border color is preserved properly for the transparent textbox field.
  • #I438421 - Now, the script error does not occur while loading an annotation restricted document when the enableAnnotation API is set to false.
  • #F180082 - Now, while adding the text markup annotation programmatically, the text markup content is added properly.
  • #I434198 - Now, the custom stamp is added properly on the form fields.
  • #I180081 - Now, when attempting to delete a post in the comment panel, the annotations are not deleted from the comment panel.
  • #I431466 - Now, the toolbar behavior is stable in mobile mode.
  • #I432820, #I432145, #F179720 - Now, the formFields with the same name in non-rendered pages are downloaded successfully.
  • #I429549 - Now, the checkboxes are no longer offset to the right in the print preview.
  • #I429288 - Now, the delete option for a draw signature type will be visible in the context menu.
  • #I431758 - Now, the checkboxes with the same name are correctly selected.
  • #I429416 - The checkbox layer is now rendered properly when loading the provided PDF document.
  • #I431679 - Now, the handwritten signature does not become empty when a random signature is added.
  • #I431466 - Now, the toolbar icon is properly visible in mobile mode.
  • #I431286 - Now, the radio button selector size is proper in the given document.
  • #I408530, #I428623 - Now, the free text annotations do not shift towards the left side in edit mode.
  • Now, the PDFium package has been updated.


  • #I344527 - Now, the support provided is navigated to the next and previous signature field in the form designer.
  • #I443775 - Now, support is provided for the saving type and image signatures in the form fields.
  • #I411856 - Now, support is provided to render the accessibility tags in the PDF Viewer.
  • #I426307 - Improvements to page rendering for zoom levels under 25% by using thumbnail images.
  • Now, support is provided for the tab navigation in the form fields and form designer.
  • Now, the JSON structure has been modified based on the PDF library.

Breaking Changes

  • Starting from version v21.1.35, the Pdfium package has been upgraded to improve various functionalities like text search, selection, rendering, and performance. If you update your project to this version of the Syncfusion PDF Viewer, you may encounter the “Web-Service is not listening” error. Refer to this link to resolve the issue.

  • Starting from version v21.1.35, the below list of APIs has been modified from an anonymous type to a class-specific type. This change means that the properties of the classes will only accept the specified data type, thereby enforcing stricter type-checking.

API Name Previous data type Current data type
TileRenderingSettings Object TileRenderingSettingsModel
TextFieldSettings Object TextFieldSettingsModel
SignatureFieldSettings Object SignatureFieldSettingsModel
SignatureDialogSettings Object SignatureDialogSettingsModel
ScrollSettings Object ScrollSettingsModel
RadioButtonFieldSettings Object RadioButtonFieldSettingsModel
PasswordFieldSettings Object PasswordFieldSettingsModel
ListBoxFieldSettings Object ListBoxFieldSettingsModel
InkAnnotationSettings Object InkAnnotationSettingsModel
InitialFieldSettings Object InitialFieldSettingsModel
CustomStamp Object CustomStampModel
ContextMenuSettings Object ContextMenuSettingsModel
CheckBoxFieldSettings Object CheckBoxFieldSettingsModel
AnnotationSettings Object AnnotationSettingsModel
DropdownFieldSettings Object DropdownFieldSettingsModel

Pivot Table

Bug fixes

  • #I437267 - During initial rendering, the spinner will now be properly displayed in the pivot table.


  • #F165214 - Provided paging support in server side engine that allows to break and display large amounts of data page by page. Find the UG documentation link here.
  • Provided the role option that allows access to restricted cube information such as measures, dimensions, hierarchy, and more when a SSAS OLAP cube is bound to the pivot table. Find the UG documentation link here.

Breaking changes

  • The property type of pivotValues has been changed from IPivotValues to IAxisSet[][].
Property Name Previous Type Current Type
pivotValues IPivotValues IAxisSet[][]
  • The type for the following properties in dataSourceSettings has been changed from Double to Int32.
Property Name Previous Type Current Type
valueIndex Double Int32
localeIdentifier Double Int32
  • The type for the following properties in formatSettings has been changed from Double to Int32.
Property Name Previous Type Current Type
minimumFractionDigits Double Int32
maximumFractionDigits Double Int32
minimumSignificantDigits Double Int32
maximumSignificantDigits Double Int32
  • The type for the following property in filterSettings has been changed from Double to Int32.
Property Name Previous Type Current Type
levelCount Double Int32
  • The type for the following property in gridSettings has been changed from Double to Int32.
Property Name Previous Type Current Type
selectedRowIndex Double Int32
  • In the server side controller, the imported namespace name has been changed from Syncfusion.Blazor.PivotView to Syncfusion.EJ2.Pivot.


Breaking Changes

  • From this release onwards, we no longer ship or support versions compatible with .NET Standard 1.2 and 1.4. Therefore, we strongly recommend upgrading to .NET Standard 2.0, .NET 6.0, or 7.0.

Progress Button

Breaking Changes

iconPosition API type changed from object to IconPosition enum type.



  • #I386691 - Provided support to display tooltips during initial load of progress bars and mouse hover with numeric or text values of the progress. Find the UG documentation link here.
  • Provided support to customize the width and color of the secondary progress bar. Find the UG documentation link here.


The Ribbon provides a structured and easy-to-use user interface for users to access different features and functions through series of tabs, improving user experience and efficiency.

Key features

  • Built-in items - Several built-in support items, such as buttons, checkboxes, drop-down buttons, split buttons, combo boxes, and color pickers that can be customized and used to execute specific actions.

  • Modes - Offers the classic mode that organizes items and groups in a traditional form, and simplified mode that organizes items and groups into a single row for improved usability and reduced clutter.

  • Tooltip - Provide additional information when a user hovers over a ribbon item, improving user experience and increasing the usability of the application.

  • File menu - A built-in menu that to add file related actions easily.

  • Templates - Customize ribbon items and the help pane content using templates.

Rich Text Editor


  • Tooltip Integration: The Rich Text Editor tooltip has been redesigned to more clearly display the keyboard shortcut information, making it easier for users to understand the functions of each toolbar item. Find the UG documentation link here.



  • #I324269, #I347160 - Provided support to display multi month event as single event in vertical orientation of timeline year view. Find the UG documentation link here.
  • #I419677 - Provided the support to sanitize the appointment inputs, improving the security of the Scheduler component.
  • #I425713 - Provided in-built filter support to the Scheduler component, allowing users to easily filter events when requesting data from the server.
  • #FB40709 - Provided generateEventOccurrences public method to retrieve all the occurrences from the series.
  • #I423939 - Provided support to render the schedule timeline views without horizontal scrollbar.


Bug fixes

  • #I439755, #F180456- Issue with “exception throws when importing an excel file with a custom format for zero values” has been resolved.


Breaking Changes

  • We improved the Toolbar alignments with a flex design, which may cause slight changes to the alignment of Toolbar items.

Tree Grid

Breaking Changes

  • Unnecessary role attributes for Tree Grid row cell and header elements have been removed to enhance accessibility standards.
  • The td element for e-detailcell in detail element has been only changed from a td element to the th element to enhance accessibility standards.

Visual Studio Code Extensions

New Feature

We’ve updated the release versioning system to a semantic format which provides greater clarity and consistency in versioning, making it easier for users to understand the significance of each release for our Syncfusion NuGet packages and extension utilities such as Syncfusion EJ2 CORE VS-Code Template studio. This new format consists of three components: Major, Minor, and Patch. We believe that this change will enable our users to track and manage updates to our utilities.

Visual Studio Extensions

New Feature

We’ve updated the release versioning system to a semantic format which provides greater clarity and consistency in versioning, making it easier for users to understand the significance of each release for our Syncfusion NuGet packages and extension utilities such as EJ2 CORE Template Studio, scaffolding, conversion and migration, and sample creator.This new format consists of three components: Major, Minor, and Patch. We believe that this change will enable our users to track and manage updates to our utilities.



  • Provided support for creating and modifying table slicers.
  • Date occurring conditional formatting is now supported in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • Linear and Radial gradient fill for cells and shapes are now supported in Excel to PDF conversion.

Breaking Changes

  • From this release onwards, we no longer ship or support versions compatible with .NET Standard 1.2 and 1.4. Therefore, we strongly recommend upgrading to .NET Standard 2.0, .NET 6.0, or 7.0. 

Bug Fixes

  • #F180523 - Text color applied through RGB value in HTML String is now applied properly while resaving the Excel document.