Essential Studio for ASP.NET CORE Release Notes

November 08, 2022


Bug Fixes

  • #I412159 - Console error while dragging the bezier connector target end vector points has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F178175 – The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while opening a DOCX format document.
  • #I413796 - The ArgumentException will no longer thrown while opening a DOCX format document.
  • #I412826 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #F177624 - Mapped content control is now preserved properly while converting a DOCX format document to PDF.
  • #I411265 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I413315 - Table now positioned properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I413793 - Gradient fill for shape is now preserved properly while resaving a DOCX format document.
  • #I414869 - Table is now preserved properly while resaving a DOCX format document.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #FB37929 - Resolved the exception while exporting the document with duplicate character style.
  • #I412146 - Resolved the script error while opening the document.
  • #I408099 - Resolved the list numbering issue.
  • #I412284 - Table border is now rendering properly.
  • #I413316 - Resolved the script error while deleting content of few pages.
  • #I414066 - Resolved the script error while modifying locale key.
  • #I412817 - Formatting is now applied properly in track changes protection mode.
  • #I413284 - Strike through is now properly skipped for trailing space characters like Microsoft Word.
  • #I412529 - Resolved the script error while opening html document with nested list.


  • #I297837, #I336116, #I342219, #I346980, #F164814, #F168911 - Improved the display of the RTL text in a bi-directional layout.


Bug Fixes

  • #I388098 - Editing issue in grouping with virtualization has been fixed.
  • #I406671 - Edit element not maintained when executing setRowData method is fixed.
  • #I413403 - Script error with toolbar template has been resolved.
  • #I408977 - Infinite Scrolling with row grouping and checkbox selection is now working fine.
  • #F177783 - Sort icon Alignment issue with header text right align when using autofit has been fixed.
  • #F177249 - Missing style attribute when text align is set as Left has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #I404496 - pinchZooming property will now work properly.



  • #F177389, #I404480 – Provided support to add animation to Pdf3DAnnotation in a PDF document.

Bug Fixes

  • #I409395 - Cropping issue while adding string in the nested grid is now resolved.
  • #I406672 - PdfGird is now preserved properly when the same instance is drawn multiple times.
  • #I410248 - Spacing issue while extracting text from specific documents is now resolved.
  • #I406739 - The X and Y coordinate switched issue when extracting text from the incrusted table is now resolved.
  • #F177009 - Annotations are now added properly based on the find text result in a Redacted PDF document.
  • #I414106 - Object reference exception no longer occurs while exporting images with export settings.
  • #I413162 - Extracting text with text data list now returns without missing data.
  • #I405840 - Signature validation result returns incorrect details when validating the signature document is now resolved.
  • #I405400 - Invalid operation exception no longer occurs while compressing PDF documents in multithreading.
  • #I391144 - Row rendering issue no longer occurs while paginating the PDF grid row in a PDF document.
  • #I413150 - Null reference exception no longer occurs when saving annotation with appearance.
  • #I412445 - Extracting the embedded attachments no longer fails in the specific PDF document.
  • #I411988 - Formatting issue no longer occurs when flattening form fields.
  • #I409952 - Null reference exception no longer occurs when merging a particular PDF document with Bookmarks.
  • #IF177662 - Content not shown issue will no longer occur when adding a footer in the PDF document.
  • #I407962 - Character “€” fails to extract text issue will no longer occur while extracting the text #I from PDF document.
  • #I407312 - Text missing issue will no longer occur when extracting text from a PDF document.
  • #I407153 - Multiline works properly when disabling from a loaded text box field.
  • #I404263 - Find text works properly in the OCRed PDF document.
  • #I404788 - The Layer subject is no longer changed after Merging the Pdf document.
  • #I380583 - The find text is not working issue will no longer occur when searching text in a PDF document.
  • #I399958 - Extracting text with text line collection now returns expected results.
  • #I400803 - Extra space added while extracting the text from the particular PDF document is now resolved.
  • #I405193 - Cryptographic exception no longer occurs while parsing certificates in X509Certificate2 in the Linux environment.
  • #I407507 - Conformance failure no longer occurs while certifying the particular PDF document in Net Core.

PDF Viewer

New Features

  • #I408588 - The touchpad pinch zooming has been implemented in Windows and Mac environments.
  • #I408588 - The mouse wheel zooming has been implemented based on the cursor position. The zooming issue has been fixed on iPad/iOS devices, and mobile device pinch zooming functionality has been enhanced.
  • #I409164 - Now, the thickness property for the signature and initial fields has been added, so now the signature field and initial field will allow changing their border thickness.

Bug Fixes

  • #I411644 - Now, the Signatures are added properly in the respective signature fields.
  • #I412264 - Now, expose the API to show and hide the digital signature form fields in the PDF Viewer.
  • #I408609 - Now, the properties dialog and context menu are open on right click.
  • #I414492,#I414536 - Now, the Signature dialogue is vertical.
  • #I413111 - Now, the Ink annotation auto-write issue is resolved.
  • #I406980 - Now, the Values of free text annotation properties are not missing on importing.
  • #I408171 - Now, the Annotation added above the free text annotation does not hide behind after downloading and flattening.
  • #I412525 - Now, you can update form field values from the code behind if the pages are not rendered.
  • #I408281 - Now, The Script error does not occur while changing the PDF view to the text view in the sample.
  • #I412183 - Now, the Vertical images are rendered properly in the signature fields.
  • #I397357 - Now, the Radio buttons are rendered properly while printing the document.
  • #I411792 - Now, you can export annotation after the strikethrough.
  • #I401159 - Now, the backward text selection is working properly.
  • #I409189 - Now, no blank pages are created while printing the document.
  • #I411098 - Now, the Form fields are rendered properly while printing the document.
  • #I405132 - Now, the copied text content from a pdf document contains the space lining.
  • #I409184 - Now, you can change the background color of the Initial field indicator element.
  • #I409766 - Now, the type signature is working properly.
  • #F177655 - Now, you can select the search-highlighted text content.
  • #I408819,#I409541,#I409234 - Now, the ink annotations are rendered properly while loading the document.
  • #I408950 - Now, the script error does not occur when the ink annotation moves out of the document.
  • #I409797 - Now, the Form fields value is not missing on scrolling the pages using the keyboard shortcut.
  • #I407919 - Now, the Custom data property from the free text annotation is updating in the imported annotation.
  • #I406164 - Now, the Ink annotations from the import JSON file are present on the last page.
  • #I406143 - Now, the Page Index property is present in the form field collections while adding the form fields.
  • #I406883 - Now, the Deleted ink annotations do not exist after scrolling the document.
  • #I408609 - Now, the Keyboard shortcuts are working properly.
  • #I383963 - Now, the Form fields are allowed to rename without affecting any other field.
  • #I406552 - Now, the removal of the fields from other pages is prevented while the field is programmatically focused.
  • #I406586 - Now, the Ink annotation is not missing in the annotation collection.
  • #I408087 - Now, there is adequate space in the type signature field.
  • #I404936 - Now, the Typed signature has appeared from the downloaded document.
  • #I406793 - Now, two custom stamps can’t be selected at the same time.

Pivot Table

Bug fixes

  • #I405590 - The pivot table will now properly refreshed while performing value sorting with autofit enabled.

New features

  • #I395302 - When using a server-side engine, the aggregated values of the pivot table will now be customized via the controller.

Visual Studio Extensions

Bug fixes

  • #FB38126 - Fixed blank row issue for DataGrid component in ASP.NET Core Sample Creator.


Bug Fixes

  • #I410546 - Index out of range exception thrown while data range of a chart having secondary axis.
  • #I395705 - Chinese characters are now positioned properly in worksheet to image conversion.

  • Chart series marker color is now applied properly in Excel document.
  • Waterfall chart title is now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • Alpha value of the cell color is now returned properly.