Essential Studio for ASP.NET CORE Release Notes

September 30, 2021


New Features

  • Syncfusion ASP.NET Core components is now compatible with .NET 6.0 Release Candidate (RC1).
  • Built-in support added for Bootstrap5 CSS theme with light and dark variants for Syncfusion ASP.NET Core components.
  • #I334704, #F150915 - Provided the support for Custom Attribute Validation in Data Annotation.

Breadcrumb is a graphical user interface that helps to identify or highlight the current location within a hierarchical structure of websites. The aim is to make the user aware of their current position in a hierarchy of website links.

  • Overflow Mode - Used to limit the number of breadcrumb items to be displayed.
  • Icons - Icons can be specified in Breadcrumb items.
  • Template - Supports template for item and separator.
  • Bind To Location - Supports items to be rendered based on the URL or current location.
  • Accessibility - Provided with built-in accessibility support that helps to access all the Breadcrumb component features through the keyboard, screen readers, or other assistive technology devices.


New Features

  • #I328985, #I327703 - Provide pixel support for data points in rectangular chart types such as bar, range column, and column.

Dashboard Layout

Bug Fixes

  • #I342569 - The issue with “Dashboard panel moves away from the cursor while dragging in the middle of the page” has been resolved.

Document Editor

Breaking Changes

  • Optimized the accuracy of text size measurements such as to match Microsoft Word pagination for most Word documents. This improvement is included as default behaviour along with an optional API enableOptimizedTextMeasuring in Document editor settings. To disable this improvement and retain the document pagination behaviour of older versions, kindly set false to enableOptimizedTextMeasuring property.

Bug Fixes

  • #I334754, #I337720, #F167429 - Resolved the localization issue.
  • #I333264 - Resolved the before spacing issue for the paragraph starting in new page.
  • #I333226 - Resolved the underline issue.
  • #I332508 - Resolved the tracking of multiline and empty paragraph revision.
  • #I335858, #F148494 - Resolved the script error in component destroy.
  • #F166420 - Resolved the SFDT exporting issue with shape.
  • #I332253 - Resolved the cut paste hyperlink issue when track changes enabled.
  • #I335409 - Resolved user list updating issue in restrict editing pane.
  • #I328976 - Table and document content is now displayed properly.
  • #I331333 - Resolved the page unresponsive issue when opening a document with nested table.
  • #I331763 - Table with position property is now displayed properly after editing the document.
  • #I330233 - Resolved the extra page issue when updating cross reference field.
  • #I329790, #I331351 - Table is now displayed properly based on compatibility mode of the document.
  • #I332483 - Bookmark is now preserved properly after deleting the content from a document containing bookmark.
  • #I331762 - Table with merged cell is now displayed properly.
  • #I330485 - Ole picture is now preserved properly as normal picture.
  • #I330776 - Resolved the casing issue in the suggestions generated by spell checker.
  • #I330982 - Resolved the text encoding problem when pasting with Java server-side library.
  • #I325741 - Footnote is now displayed properly when opening a document.
  • #I331634 - Table with preferred width type percent and allow auto fit property false is now displayed properly.
  • #I331274 - Table positioning property is now preserved properly.
  • #I331667 - Document with building block gallery content control is now exported properly.
  • #I331452 - Footnote inside the table is now displayed properly.
  • #I331606 - Document with block content control is now exported properly.
  • #I331667, #I332223 - Shape in footer is now preserved properly.
  • #I330686, #I331349, #I310463 - Shape fill is now preserved properly.
  • #I332333 - Zoom value is now updated properly in status bar.
  • #I319210 - The changes and comment tab in the review pane will be visible only if at least one tracked change or comment is present in the document.
  • #I337569 - Table in a document with compatibility mode is now displayed properly after editing.
  • #I331349 - Resolved the text clipping issue.
  • #I336632 - Resolved the next style hierarchy issue.
  • #I335857 - Resolved the after spacing preservation issue during copy and paste.
  • #I335107 - Table with position property is now displayed properly when it overlap on another table.
  • #I334036 - Resolved the spell check word by word service triggering issue in optimized spell check mode.
  • #I330165, #I327647, #I324515, #I338278 - Resolved the issues in comment edit, delete, and history operation.
  • #I336315 - Tab character inside absolute positioned table is now displayed properly.
  • #I319206 - Resolved the issue with displaying the horizontal line shape.
  • #F167416 - Line spacing is now preserved properly in server-side export.
  • #I335145, #I337499 - Resolved the text size measurement issue when HTML and body tag contains styles.
  • #I339105 - Resolved the number formatting color change issue.
  • #I340265 - Default value for text form field is now preserved properly in Word export.
  • #I336632 - Style names are now properly listed in the drop down of text properties pane.
  • #I338027 - Track changes close icon is now positioned properly in RTL mode.
  • #I337566 - Last empty paragraph (cell mark) inside a table cell after a nested table is now invisible.
  • #I340416 - Resolved the script error with custom toolbar items during destroy.
  • #I337274 - Resolved the border issue for merged cell.
  • #I336588 - Resolved the RTL text issue when copy and paste with text only option.
  • #I338123 - Line spacing is now applied properly for the result text of text form field.
  • #I337118 - Shape inside a table is now displayed properly.
  • #I337397 - Resolved the script error when opening a document with nested table.
  • #I337786 - Empty footer is now ignored properly from bottom margin calculation.
  • #I337968 - Resolved the automatic color issue for the text inside table.
  • #I339240 - Resolved the RTL text issue when deleting the text.
  • #I339488 - Resolved the script error while opening a document with footnote.
  • #I339715 - Footnote is now displayed properly on next page after editing.
  • #I339454 - Resolved alignment issue for a table that is wrapped over a positioned object.
  • #I341016 - Resolved the script error while exporting a document with empty list.
  • #I334046 - Optimized the spell check by page service call in optimized spell check mode.

New Features

  • #I256210, #F150773, #I295055, #I295551, #I324037, #I326715 - Added support for Widow/Orphan control, Keep with next and Keep lines together properties.
  • #I298019, #I307321, #F160804, #F164217, #F164872 – Improved the accuracy of text size measurements such as to match Microsoft Word pagination for most Word documents.
  • #I243246, #I249594, #I287633, #I295055, #I295549, #I299657, #I308408, #I326567 – Added support to preserve tables with position properties.
  • Added option to directly convert DocIO’s WordDocument to SFDT and vice-versa.

Bug Fixes

  • #I342360, #I342351 - The issue with “The Dropdown Tree component is not rendered when providing an id that starts with an integer type” has been resolved.

New Features

  • #I301222 - Provided support to display custom selected values template in the Dropdown Tree component.


Bug Fixes

  • #331671 - Right Labels are rendered properly in exported PDF document.

New Features

  • Provided percentage support for height and width of Gantt element.


Breaking Changes

  • The groupSettings.disablePageWiseAggregates option will be enabled automatically when using aggregates and grouping in an infinite scroll.

New Features

  • #I284744, #I289234 - Provided keyboard navigation support for infinite scroll.
  • #I314791, #I311562 - Provided group caption collapse support for infinite scroll.


Bug Fixes

  • #F168185 - The issue with “Sorting is not applied properly when entering different values in the text field of the ListView component” has been resolved.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #I338912 - Exception is no longer thrown while downloading the PDF document.
  • #I339437 - Script error no longer occurs when disabling the TextSelection mode.
  • #I336986 - Cursor no longer flickers in the Safari browser while moving the mouse cursors over the annotations.
  • #I332662 - Script error is no longer thrown in the console while closing the signature dialog box.
  • #F166191 - Text alignment is now applied properly for the free-text annotation in the downloaded document.
  • #F166590 - Current culture is no longer changed after invoking the extractText() method.

New Features

  • #I320044, #I321895, #I324898 – Customized the signature panel dialog to open with the selected tabs (draw, image, type).

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • #F168308 - The pivot table can now be rendered properly with custom number formats.
  • #I339705 - When the virtualization feature is used, the pivot table can now be rendered properly without an unnecessary horizontal scrollbar when the content does not require it.
  • #I341987 - The pivot table can now be rendered properly while perform filtering with OLAP data source.
  • #I342221 - The pivot table can now be rendered properly while applying date grouing through UI.
  • The column headers are now displayed properly while perform resizing.
  • #I342221 - The pivot table can now be rendered properly while perform member filtering with an empty header.

New Features

  • #I300095 - Provided support to display measures at any desired positions in the column or row axis for relational data sources.


New Features

  • #I231505, #I230743, #I239381, #I261360, #I273955, #I300418, #I307752, #I312982 - Provided support to customize the tags appended when enter or shift + enter key is pressed using the property enterKey and shiftEnterKey in the Rich Text Editor.


Bug Fixes

  • #I333664 - An issue with the dragging between two Schedulers has been fixed.
  • #I340348 - An issue with opening the editor window in RTL mode has been fixed.
  • #I342117 - An issue with today button navigation in Agenda view and scrolling down not happening issue has been fixed.
  • #F168358 - An issue with the “delete icon is not disabled in mobile mode” has been fixed.
  • #I340332 - An issue with the events rendering performance in vertical views has been fixed.
  • #I342489 - An issue with identify the clicked button on popupClose event has been fixed by providing event option on PopupCloseEventArgs.

New Features

  • #I316891, #I328879, #I331265, #I335777, #I339302, #F165491 - Provided support to sort appointments by priority instead of time.
  • #I242605, #F160122, #F165334 - Provided public method for Scheduler to refresh the Scheduler layout without re-render.
  • #I314842, #I320731 - Provided public method for Scheduler to refresh the given templates.
  • #FB24252 - Provided template support for header indent cells.

Bug Fixes

  • The issue with “The Sidebar background color is not correct in high-contrast theme” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • I341373 - Formula not updated in saved excel file issue resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I341589 - An issue with the tab content not updated properly on the initial load has been fixed.

Tree Grid

New Features

  • #314841 - Provided support to freeze the columns on right, left or both sides.

Visual Studio Extensions

Bug Fixes

  • #FB27579 - Fixed the Set property System.Windows.FrameworkElement.Style exception in Syncfusion check for updates.

New Features

  • Provided the Bootstrap 5 theme support to the ASP.NET Core project template, sample creator, and conversion and migration.