Essential Studio for ASP.NET CORE Release Notes

July 6, 2021


New Features

  • Now, provided the DatePickerMaskPlaceholder type to the maskPlaceholder property.


New Features

  • Now, provided the DateTimePickerMaskPlaceholder type to the maskPlaceholder property.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I325741 - Resolved the footnote layouting issue when opening a document.
  • #I331634 - Resolved the issue on updating the table cell width.
  • #I331274 - Table positioning property is now preserved properly.
  • #I331667 - Document with BuildingBlockGallery content control type is now exported properly.
  • #I331452 - Resolved the layout issue on footnote inside the table.
  • #I331606 - Document with content control block saving issue is now exported properly.
  • #I331667, #I332223 - Shape in footer is now preserved properly.
  • #I330686, #I331349, #I310463 - Shape fill is now preserved properly.
  • #I332333 - Zoom value is now updated properly in status bar.
  • #I330165, #I327647, #I324515 - Resolved the worst case scenario issues in comment editing and deleting.
  • #I319210 - The changes and comment tab in the review pane will be visible only if at least one tracked change or comment is present respectively in the document.


Bug Fixes

  • #331671 - Right Labels are rendered properly in exported PDF document.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #331233 - The Script error will no longer be thrown if we disable the toolbar and navigate the next page from code behind.
  • #331680 - Now, the Annotation toolbar items are aligned properly in the drop-down.


New Features

  • Now, provided the TimePickerTimeMaskPlaceholder type to the maskPlaceholder property.


Bug Fixes

  • #I328768 - The issue with “The Tooltip is not opened in the current cursor position while enabling the mouseTrail and openDelay support” has been resolved.

Tree Grid

New Features

  • #274416, #274607, #313192, #F159014 - Provided Infinite Scrolling support for Tree Grid which allows you to lazy load data when scroller reaches the near end.
  • #280065 - Provided support to maintain Expand/Collapse state of Tree Grid while exporting the data.


Bug Fixes

  • #I329524 - now, disabled the upload button focus while rendering the component with preload files.