Essential Studio for ASP.NET CORE Release Notes

June 8, 2021

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #FB25004 - Exported document with table is opened properly in Libre Office.
  • #I325323 - Textbox shape is now rendered properly.
  • #FB24917 - Document is now exporting properly after deleting comment.
  • #F163116 - Hanging indent is now retrieved properly in paragraph dialog.
  • #I327769 - Checkbox is now layout properly.
  • #I326567 - Nested table with preferred width type percent now rendered properly.
  • #I328479 - Resolved script error while deleting merged cells.
  • #I328477 - Resolved table right border rendering issue.


Bug Fixes

  • #F165595 - The issue with “Card data changed even when the editing is canceled in the dialog(card editing)” has been resolved.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #328989 - Now, the clear and create button in the signature panel is enabled only on drawing the signature.
  • #328499 - Now, the stamp annotations are downloaded correctly in the PDF document.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • #326766 - The column headers can now be scrolled using the mouse wheel.
  • #F165788 - The flickering issue that occurred when the component is refreshed has been fixed.
  • #330494, #330440, #330347, #329726, #330697, #330714 - The issue “Column headers are hidden” that occurred in latest version of Chrome browser has been fixed.

New Features

  • #327931 - “Headers and Footers” can now be set in engine exporting.
  • #325956 - The dependent components of the pivot table can now be localized.
  • #326340, #326432 - Introduced an event to customize the multi-level labels.
  • #326356 - The font of data labels in the pivot chart can now be customized.