State Persistence

17 Feb 20224 minutes to read

State persistence allows user to maintain the current state of the component along with its report bounded in the browser local storage (cookie). Even if the browser is refreshed or if you move to the next page within the browser, components state will be persisted. State persistence stores the Pivot Table object in the local storage when enablePersistence property in ejs-PivotView tag is set to true.

<ejs-pivotview id="PivotView" height="300" enablePersistence="true" showGroupingBar="true>
    <e-datasourcesettings dataSource="@ViewBag.DataSource" expandAll="false">
            <e-field name="Amount" format="C0" maximumSignificantDigits="10" minimumSignificantDigits="1" useGrouping="true"></e-field>
            <e-field name="Country"></e-field>
            <e-field name="Products"></e-field>
            <e-field name="Year" caption="Year"></e-field>
            <e-field name="Quarter"></e-field>
            <e-field name="Sold" caption="Units Sold"></e-field>
            <e-field name="Amount" caption="Sold Amount"></e-field>
public ActionResult Index()
    var data = GetPivotData();
    ViewBag.DataSource = data;
    return View();

Save and Load Pivot Layout

17 Feb 20224 minutes to read

You can save the current layout of the pivot table by using getPersistData in string format. The saved layout can be loaded to pivot table any time by passing the saved data as a parameter to loadPersistData method in the ejs-pivotview.

<ejs-button id="pdf" content="Save Layout" isPrimary="true"></ejs-button>
<ejs-button id="pdf" content="Load Layout" isPrimary="true"></ejs-button>
<ejs-pivotview id="PivotView" height="300" >
    <e-datasourcesettings dataSource="@ViewBag.DataSource" expandAll="false">
            <e-field name="Amount" format="C0" maximumSignificantDigits="10" minimumSignificantDigits="1" useGrouping="true"></e-field>
            <e-field name="Country"></e-field>
            <e-field name="Products"></e-field>
            <e-field name="Year" caption="Year"></e-field>
            <e-field name="Quarter"></e-field>
            <e-field name="Sold" caption="Units Sold"></e-field>
            <e-field name="Amount" caption="Sold Amount"></e-field>

    var pivotObj;
    var pivotLayout;
    document.getElementById('save').onclick = function () {
        pivotObj = document.getElementById('PivotView').ej2_instances[0];
        pivotLayout = pivotObj.getPersistData();
    document.getElementById('load').onclick = function () {
        pivotObj = document.getElementById('PivotView').ej2_instances[0];
public ActionResult Index()
    var data = GetPivotData();
    ViewBag.DataSource = data;
    return View();