Customize empty value cells

2 Aug 20231 minute to read

You can show the custom string in the empty value cells using the emptyCellsTextContent string type property in e-datasourcesettings object of the pivot table. It can be configured through code behind during initial rendering.

<ejs-pivotview id="PivotView" height="300">
    <e-datasourcesettings dataSource="@ViewBag.DataSource" expandAll="false" emptyCellsTextContent="*">
            <e-field name="Amount" format="C0" maximumSignificantDigits="10" minimumSignificantDigits="1" useGrouping="true"></e-field>
            <e-field name="Country"></e-field>
            <e-field name="Products"></e-field>
            <e-field name="Year" caption="Year"></e-field>
            <e-field name="Quarter"></e-field>
            <e-field name="Sold" caption="Units Sold"></e-field>
            <e-field name="Amount" caption="Sold Amount"></e-field>
public ActionResult Index()
    var data = GetPivotData();
    ViewBag.DataSource = data;
    return View();