Apply conditional formatting for specific row or column

17 Feb 202224 minutes to read

You can apply conditional formatting for specific row or column using label option in the pivot table. It can be configured using the conditionalFormatSettings option through code behind, during initial rendering. The required settings are:

  • label: Specifies the header name to apply conditions for row or column.
  • condition: Specifies the operator type such as equals, greater than, less than, etc.
  • value1: Specifies the start value.
  • value2: Specifies the end value.
  • style: Specifies the style for the cell.

To use the conditional formatting feature, You need to inject the ConditionalFormatting module in pivot table.

<ejs-pivotview id="PivotView"  width="100%" height="300" allowConditionalFormatting="true" showFieldList="true">
                <e-datasourcesettings dataSource="@ViewBag.DataSource" expandAll="false" enableSorting="true">
                        <e-field name="Amount" format="C0" maximumSignificantDigits="10" minimumSignificantDigits="1" useGrouping="true"></e-field>
                        <e-field name="Country"></e-field>
                        <e-field name="Products"></e-field>
                        <e-field name="Year"></e-field>
                        <e-field name="Order_Source" caption="Order Source"></e-field>
                        <e-field name="In_Stock" caption="In Stock"></e-field>
                        <e-field name="Sold" caption="Units Sold"></e-field>
                        <e-field name="Product_Categories" caption="Product Categories"></e-field>
                        <e-format label="Germany" conditions="Between" value1="500" value2="50000">
                            <e-fieldlist-style backgroundColor="#f48fb1" color="black" fontFamily="Tahoma" fontSize="12px" />
                <e-gridSettings columnWidth="100"></e-gridSettings>
public ActionResult Index()
    var data = GetPivotData();
    ViewBag.DataSource = data;
    return View();

public List<PivotData> GetPivotData()
    List<PivotData> pivotData = new List<PivotData>();
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 31, In_Stock = 52824, Country = "France", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Order_Source = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 51, In_Stock = 86904, Country = "France", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Order_Source = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 90, In_Stock = 153360, Country = "France", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Order_Source = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 25, In_Stock = 42600, Country = "France", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Order_Source = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 27, In_Stock = 46008, Country = "France", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Order_Source = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 49, In_Stock = 83496, Country = "France", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Order_Source = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 95, In_Stock = 161880, Country = "France", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Order_Source = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 67, In_Stock = 114168, Country = "France", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Order_Source = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 75, In_Stock = 127800, Country = "France", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Order_Source = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 67, In_Stock = 114168, Country = "France", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Order_Source = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 69, In_Stock = 117576, Country = "France", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Order_Source = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 90, In_Stock = 153360, Country = "France", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Order_Source = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 16, In_Stock = 27264, Country = "France", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2018", Order_Source = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 83, In_Stock = 124422, Country = "France", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Order_Source = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 57, In_Stock = 85448, Country = "France", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Order_Source = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 20, In_Stock = 29985, Country = "France", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Order_Source = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 67, In_Stock = 70008, Country = "France", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Order_Source = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 89, In_Stock = 60496, Country = "France", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Order_Source = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 75, In_Stock = 801880, Country = "France", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Order_Source = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 57, In_Stock = 204168, Country = "France", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Order_Source = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 75, In_Stock = 737800, Country = "France", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Order_Source = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 87, In_Stock = 884168, Country = "France", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Order_Source = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 39, In_Stock = 729576, Country = "France", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Order_Source = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 90, In_Stock = 38860, Country = "France", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Order_Source = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 93, In_Stock = 139412, Country = "France", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Order_Source = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 51, In_Stock = 92824, Country = "Germany", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Order_Source = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 61, In_Stock = 76904, Country = "Germany", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Order_Source = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 70, In_Stock = 43360, Country = "Germany", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Order_Source = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 85, In_Stock = 62600, Country = "Germany", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Order_Source = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 97, In_Stock = 86008, Country = "Germany", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Order_Source = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 69, In_Stock = 93496, Country = "Germany", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Order_Source = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 45, In_Stock = 301880, Country = "Germany", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Order_Source = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 77, In_Stock = 404168, Country = "Germany", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Order_Source = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 15, In_Stock = 137800, Country = "Germany", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Order_Source = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 37, In_Stock = 184168, Country = "Germany", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Order_Source = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 49, In_Stock = 89576, Country = "Germany", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Order_Source = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 40, In_Stock = 33360, Country = "Germany", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Order_Source = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 96, In_Stock = 77264, Country = "Germany", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2018", Order_Source = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 23, In_Stock = 24422, Country = "Germany", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Order_Source = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 67, In_Stock = 75448, Country = "Germany", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Order_Source = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 70, In_Stock = 52345, Country = "Germany", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Order_Source = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 13, In_Stock = 135612, Country = "Germany", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Order_Source = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 57, In_Stock = 90008, Country = "Germany", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Order_Source = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 29, In_Stock = 90496, Country = "Germany", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Order_Source = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 45, In_Stock = 301880, Country = "Germany", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Order_Source = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 77, In_Stock = 404168, Country = "Germany", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Order_Source = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 15, In_Stock = 137800, Country = "Germany", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Order_Source = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 37, In_Stock = 184168, Country = "Germany", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Order_Source = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 99, In_Stock = 829576, Country = "Germany", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Order_Source = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 80, In_Stock = 38360, Country = "Germany", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Order_Source = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 91, In_Stock = 67824, Country = "United States", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Order_Source = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 81, In_Stock = 99904, Country = "United States", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Order_Source = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 70, In_Stock = 49360, Country = "United States", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Order_Source = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 65, In_Stock = 69600, Country = "United States", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Order_Source = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 57, In_Stock = 90008, Country = "United States", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Order_Source = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 29, In_Stock = 90496, Country = "United States", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Order_Source = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 85, In_Stock = 391880, Country = "United States", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Order_Source = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 97, In_Stock = 904168, Country = "United States", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Order_Source = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 85, In_Stock = 237800, Country = "United States", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Order_Source = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 77, In_Stock = 384168, Country = "United States", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Order_Source = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 99, In_Stock = 829576, Country = "United States", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Order_Source = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 80, In_Stock = 38360, Country = "United States", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Order_Source = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 76, In_Stock = 97264, Country = "United States", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2018", Order_Source = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 53, In_Stock = 94422, Country = "United States", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Order_Source = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 90, In_Stock = 45448, Country = "United States", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Order_Source = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 29, In_Stock = 92345, Country = "United States", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Order_Source = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 67, In_Stock = 235612, Country = "United States", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Order_Source = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 97, In_Stock = 90008, Country = "United States", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Order_Source = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 79, In_Stock = 90496, Country = "United States", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Order_Source = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 95, In_Stock = 501880, Country = "United States", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Order_Source = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 97, In_Stock = 104168, Country = "United States", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Order_Source = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 95, In_Stock = 837800, Country = "United States", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Order_Source = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 87, In_Stock = 684168, Country = "United States", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Order_Source = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 109, In_Stock = 29576, Country = "United States", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Order_Source = "Q3" });
    return pivotData;

public class PivotData
    public int Sold { get; set; }
    public double In_Stock { get; set; }
    public string Country { get; set; }
    public string Products { get; set; }
    public string Year { get; set; }
    public string Order_Source { get; set; }