Menu with rounded corner

17 Feb 20226 minutes to read

The rounded corner can be achieved by using the cssClass property. Add a custom class to the menu component and customize it using the border-radius CSS property. For more information, refer to the styles specified in the below sample.

<ejs-menu id="menu" items="ViewBag.menuItems" cssClass="e-rounded-menu" showItemOnClick="true"></ejs-menu>

    body {
        margin-top: 100px;
        text-align: center;

    /* Styles to achieve rounder corner in menu */
    .e-menu-wrapper.e-rounded-menu .e-menu {
        border-radius: 20px;

    /* Increased the menu component left and right padding for better rounded corner UI */
    .e-menu-wrapper.e-rounded-menu ul.e-menu {
        padding: 0 14px;
public ActionResult Rounded()
    List<object> menuItems = new List<object>();
        text = "File",
        items = new List<object>()
            new { text = "Open" },
            new { text = "Save" },
            new { text = "Exit" }
        text = "Edit",
        items = new List<object>()
              text= "Toolbars",
              items = new List<object>()
                  new { text= "Menu Bar"},
                  new { text= "Bookmarks Toolbar"}
                text = "Zoom",
                items =new List<object>() 
                 new { text= "Zoom In"},
                 new { text= "Zoom Out"},
                 new { text= "Reset"}
               text = "Full Screen",
               items =new List<object>() 
                 new { text= "cancel"}
        text = "View",
        items = new List<object>()
            new { text = "Toolbar" },
            new { text = "Sidebar" },
            new { text = "Fullscreen" }
        text = "Tools",
        items = new List<object>()
            new { text = "Spelling & Grammar" },
            new { text = "Customize" },
            new { text = "Options" }
        text = "Help"

    ViewBag.menuItems = menuItems;
    return View();