Working with Lists

19 Dec 20224 minutes to read

Document editor supports both the single-level and multilevel lists. Lists are used to organize data as step-by-step instructions in documents for easy understanding of key points. You can apply list to the paragraph either using supported APIs.

Create bullet list

Bullets are usually used for unordered lists. To apply bulleted list for selected paragraphs, use the following method of ‘Editor’ instance.


applyBullet(bullet, fontFamily);

Parameter Type Description
Bullet string Bullet character.
fontFamily string Bullet font family.
documenteditor.editor.applyBullet('\uf0b7', 'Symbol');

Create numbered list

Numbered lists are usually used for ordered lists. To apply numbered list for selected paragraphs, use the following method of ‘Editor’ instance.



Parameter Type Description
numberFormat string “%n” representations in ‘numberFormat’ parameter will be replaced by respective list level’s value.“%1)” will be displayed as “1)”
listLevelPattern(optional) string Default value is ‘Arabic’.
documenteditor.editor.applyNumbering('%1)', 'UpRoman');

Clear list

You can also clear the list formatting applied for selected paragraphs.


Working with lists

<div id="toolbar">
    <ejs-toolbar clicked="toolbarAction">
            <e-toolbar-item prefixIcon=" e-de-icon-Bullets " id="Bullets " tooltipText="Bullets "></e-toolbar-item>
            <e-toolbar-item prefixIcon="e-de-icon-Numbering " id="Numbering " tooltipText="Numbering "></e-toolbar-item>
            <e-toolbar-item text="Clear " tooltipText="Clear List " id="clearlist "></e-toolbar-item>
<div id="documenteditor " style="width:100%;height:100% ">
    <ejs-documenteditor isReadOnly=false enableEditor=true enableSelection=true enableSfdtExport=true enableEditor=true id="container "></ejs-documenteditor>

    var documenteditor;
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
        documenteditor = document.getElementById("container ").ej2_instances[0];

        function toolbarAction(args) {
            switch ( {
                case 'Bullets':
                    //To create bullet list
                    documenteditor.editor.applyBullet('\uf0b7', 'Symbol');
                case 'Numbering':
                    //To create numbering list
                    documenteditor.editor.applyNumbering('%1)', 'UpRoman');
                case 'clearlist':
                    //To clear list

Editing numbered list

Document editor restarts the numbering or continue numbering for a numbered list. These options are found in the built-in context menu, if the list value is selected.


See Also