How to insert text or image in table programmatically in Document Editor component

26 May 20223 minutes to read

Using Document editor API’s, you can insert [text] or [image] in [table] programmatically based on your requirement.

Use [selection] API’s to navigate between rows and cells.

The following example illustrates how to create 2*2 table and then add text and image programmatically.

<div class="control-section">
    <ejs-documenteditorcontainer id="container" serviceUrl="/api/DocumentEditor/" enableToolbar=true created="onCreated" height="590px"></ejs-documenteditorcontainer>

    var documenteditor;
    var container;
    function onCreated() {
        var documenteditorElement = document.getElementById("container");
        container = documenteditorElement.ej2_instances[0];
        // To insert the table in cursor position
        container.documentEditor.editor.insertTable(2, 2);
        // To insert the image at table first cell
        container.documentEditor.editor.insertImage("    //8/w38GIAXDIBKE0DHxgljNBAAO9TXL0Y4OHwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==");
        // To move the cursor to next cell
        // To insert the image at table second cell
        container.documentEditor.editor.insertImage("    //8/w38GIAXDIBKE0DHxgljNBAAO9TXL0Y4OHwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==");
        // To move the cursor to next row
        // To insert text in cursor position
        // To move the cursor to next cell
        // To insert text in cursor position
function moveCursorToNextCell() {
  // To get current selection start offset
  var startOffset = container.documentEditor.selection.startOffset;
  // Increasing cell index to consider next cell
  var startOffsetArray = startOffset.split(';');
  startOffsetArray[3] = parseInt(startOffsetArray[3]) + 1;
  // Changing start offset
  startOffset = startOffsetArray.join(';');
  // Navigating selection using select method, startOffset);

function moveCursorToNextRow() {
  // To get current selection start offset
  var startOffset = container.documentEditor.selection.startOffset;
  // Increasing row index to consider next row
  var startOffsetArray = startOffset.split(';');
  startOffsetArray[2] = parseInt(startOffsetArray[2]) + 1;
  // Going back to first cell
  startOffsetArray[3] = 0;
  // Changing start offset
  startOffset = startOffsetArray.join(';');
  // Navigating selection using select method, startOffset);

The output will be like below.
Insert text or image in table programmatically