Keyboard interactions

4 Dec 20249 minutes to read

Diagram provides support to interact with the elements with key gestures. By default, some in-built commands are bound with a relevant set of key combinations.

The following table illustrates those commands with the associated key values.

Shortcut Key Command Description
Ctrl + A selectAll Select all nodes/connectors in the diagram.
Ctrl + C copy Copy the diagram selected elements.
Ctrl + V paste Pastes the copied elements.
Ctrl + X cut Cuts the selected elements.
Ctrl + Z undo Reverses the last editing action performed on the diagram.
Ctrl + Y redo Restores the last editing action when no other actions have occurred since the last undo on the diagram.
Delete delete Deletes the selected elements.
Ctrl/Shift + Click on object   Multiple selection (Selector binds all selected nodes/connectors).
Up Arrow nudge(“up”) nudgeUp: Moves the selected elements towards up by one pixel.
Down Arrow nudge(“down”) nudgeDown: Moves the selected elements towards down by one pixel.
Left Arrow nudge(“left”) nudgeLeft: Moves the selected elements towards left by one pixel.
Right Arrow nudge(“right”) nudgeRight: Moves the selected elements towards right by one pixel.
Ctrl + MouseWheel zoom Zoom (Zoom in/Zoom out the diagram).
F2 startLabelEditing Starts to edit the label of the selected element.
Esc endLabelEditing Sets the label mode as view and stops editing.
Tab Tab to Focus Select the diagram element based on the rendering order when using the “Tab” key.
Shift + Tab Go to Previous Object This command is employed to shift the selection to the preceding object based on the z-order.
Control + B Bold Toggle bold formatting for the selected text.
Control + I Italic Toggle italic formatting for the selected text.
Control + U Underline Toggle underline formatting for the selected text.
Control + D Duplicate Duplicate a selected shape.
Control + G Group Group together multiple selected shapes, allowing them to be treated as a single shape.
Control + Shift + U UnGroup Ungroup shapes within a previously grouped selection.
Control + R Rotate clockwise Rotate the selected nodes in clockwise.
Control + L Rotate anti-clockwise Rotate the selected nodes in counterclockwise.
Control + H Flip Horizontal Flip the selected elements horizontally.
Control + J Flip Vertical Flip the selected elements vertically.
Control + 1 Pointer tool Activate the pointer tool.
Control + 2 Text tool Activate the text tool.
Control + 3 Connector tool Activate the connector tool.
Control + 5 Freeform tool Activate the freeform tool.
Control + 6 Line tool Activate the polyline tool.
Control + + Zoom In Zoom in the diagram.
Control + - Zoom Out Zoom out the diagram.
Shift + Up Arrow Up Moves the selected elements towards up by 5 pixel.
Shift + Down Arrow Down Moves the selected elements towards down by 5 pixel.
Shift + Left Arrow Left Moves the selected elements towards left by 5 pixel.
Shift + Right Arrow Right Moves the selected elements towards right by 5 pixel.
Control + Shift + L Align Text Left Align the selected text to the left.
Control + Shift + C Center Text Horizontally Center the selected text horizontally.
Control + Shift + R Align Text Right Align the selected text to the right.
Control + Shift + J Justify Text Horizontally Justify the selected text, aligning it to both the left and right margins.
Control + Shift + E Top-align Text Vertically Align the selected text to the top vertically.
Control + Shift + M Center Text Vertically Center the selected text vertically.
Control + Shift + V Bottom-align Text Vertically Align the selected text to the bottom vertically.
Control + Shift + B Send To Back Send the selected shape backward in the stacking order, making it appear behind other shapes.
Control + Shift + F Bring To Front Bring the selected shape forward in the stacking order, making it appear in front of other shapes.
Control + [ Send Backward Move the selected shape one step backward in the layer order.
Control + ] Bring Forward Move the selected shape one step forward in the layer order.

See Also