Essential Studio® for ASP.NET CORE Release Notes

August 13, 2024



  • #I213418, #I615941 - RTL text is now preserved properly for Word to HTML and HTML to Word conversions.

Bug Fixes

  • #I614130 - Mail merge result formatting is now preserved properly after executing Mail Merge.
  • #I611403 - Table with Japanese text is now preserved properly while converting a DOCX to PDF.
  • #I612695 - Table row with hidden is now preserved properly while converting a DOCX format document to HTML.


Bug fixes

  • #F191300 - When freeze property is enabled the minWidth and maxWidth set to a column is not working properly issue has been resolved.
  • #I615679 - search clear action does not reset the pageSize issue has been resolved.
  • #FB59752 - In rowDrag event, the dragged data is not properly returned issue has been resolved.
  • #I617335 - ResponsiveBack element not showing when search is aligned left in Toolbar with AdaptiveUI issue has been resolved.
  • #FB59809 - The issue with editing a record of column that contains multiple aggregates throws a script error has been resolved.
  • #I899326 - The script error related to adaptiveUI when selecting records with a toolbar rendered using a template has been resolved.
  • #I600715 - The issue where the column width set to “auto”, would revert to its minimum width when resized has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I618091 – Fixed the issue where an exception was thrown while generating the template PDF document.
  • #I616136 – Fixed the issue where spaces were missing when extracting text from specific PDF documents.
  • #I616164 – Fixed the issue where Conformance was not retrieved correctly after updating the author in the document.
  • #I609746 – Fixed an issue where a blank space appeared at the beginning of the text in a specific cell.


Bug Fixes

  • #I613922 - Picture recolor is now preserved properly while converting a PowerPoint presentation to an image.
  • The PowerPoint presentation will no longer be corrupted when merging the slide at last index.
  • The PowerPoint presentation will no longer be corrupted while cloning and merging a PowerPoint slide with theme override.
  • The PowerPoint presentation will no longer be corrupted while cloning and merging the slide with macro enabled OLE object.
  • The PowerPoint presentation will no longer be corrupted while cloning and merging a PowerPoint slide with classic comments.
  • The PowerPoint presentation will no longer be corrupted while cloning and merging a PowerPoint slide with linked OLE object.


Bug Fixes

-#I613742 - Exception will no longer be thrown when creating the combination chart of doughnut and pie charts.
-#I616912 - Large number is now preserved properly while converting the XLSX to CSV format.
-#I617184 - Exception will no longer be thrown while converting an Excel document with custom row height to PDF.
-#I586069 - Chart height is now rendered properly when using double properties.

Note : The bug or feature items that do not have a corresponding ID associated with them are internally identified.