Essential Studio® for ASP.NET CORE Release Notes

August 14, 2019

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #243495 - List level paragraph heading 2 first line indent style is now applied properly.
  • #243495 - Section break paragraph style layout is now applied properly.
  • #243495 - TOC tab header layout is now applied properly for sub headings.
  • #243495 - Script error is fixed when calculating tab width for list in TOC.
  • #243495 - TOC hyperlink text style is now preserved properly.
  • #243878 - Table cell is now exported properly when table contains spanned rows.


Bug Fixes

  • #242681 - Issue with “Placeholder not set to the numeric textbox when load the localized text” has been resolved.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #241487, #243077 - Annotation author name is now updated properly in the comment panel.
  • #242804 - The Bookmark’s destination value is now maintained properly during navigation.
  • #241487 - The provided PDF document will now be loaded properly in the PDF Viewer control.
  • #244437 - Resolved the typo errors in the PDF Viewer toolbar content.
  • #244654 - The editAnnotation API is now working properly.
  • #243134 - The PDF documents load properly when render the PDF Viewer control under multiple tab with fitToPage view mode during initial loading.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with custom icon size changed while double clicking the tree node has been fixed.