Essential Studio for Angular Release Notes

October 05, 2022


Bug Fixes

  • #F177760 - An issue with adding/removing multiple CSS classes to tab items cssClass property has been fixed.

Bullet Chart

Bug Fixes

  • #I400763 - Now Bulletchart axis labels are aligned properly for all fontsize.


Bug Fixes

  • #I409365 - Now canvas chart is working proper on legend click.


Bug Fixes

  • #I399484 - The issue with aria-checked accessibility issue in angular checkbox has been fixed.

Dashboard Layout

Bug Fixes

  • #I395833 - The issue with the “Facing accessibility testing failure in the Dashboard Layout component” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I405991 - The issue “placeholder is being read by NVDA reader While the DatePicker is not in focus” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I401143 - Now, HTML element gets rendered properly while drag and drop from one lane to other lane.
  • #I393859 - Now, the nodes overlapping in linear arrangement of complex-hierarchical tree is resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I387601 - Now, when you call the destroy method to destroy the Dialog control, it properly destroys the close icons instance.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I400154 - Handled selecting consecutive special character on double click.
  • #I400506 - Handled selection while navigating the page using page down/ page up.
  • #I403371 - Resolved the inline shape alignment issue.
  • #I404840 - Resolved the browser hanging issue while changing the line spacing.
  • #I401957 - Resolved the script error while inserting the table.
  • #I403238 - Newly added custom style is now updated properly in properties pane.
  • #I401826 - Resolved the pagination issue on the exported word document.
  • #I408407. #I403326 - Resolved the script error while deleting the content.
  • #I379655 - Newly added paragraph is now removed properly while rejecting the changes.
  • #I403248 - Resolved script error while deleting the text with comment.
  • #I401520 - Underline format is now preserved properly in exported word document.
  • #F175079 - Resolved search issue in splitted table cell.

Floating Action Button Preview


The Floating Action Button (FAB) component performs the primary action that appears in front of all screen contents. It can be positioned in relation to a page or a target container.

  • Rendering - The FAB component can be rendered as Icon only, Icon with Label, Label only, or in a disabled state.
  • Positioning - Supports to place various built-in positions on the target element.
  • Styles - The appearance of the FAB can be customized using predefined styles.
  • Accessibility - The FAB provides built-in compliance with the WAI-ARIA specifications and it is achieved through attributes.


Bug Fixes

  • #I404228 - Issue in saving data in segment has been fixed.
  • #I409288 - Exception when the expand change dynamically has been fixed.
  • #I408288 - Timeline rendering is incomplete when data is rebinded issue has been fixed.
  • #I406597 - Duplicate record in the data source issue has been fixed.
  • #I405108 - Unable to customize event marker tooltip issue has been fixed.
  • #F176879 - Unable to customize the dependency name issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I397183 - checkbox issue when enabling the persistence has been fixed.
  • #I399882 - rowIndexes in RowSelectEventArgs becomes undefined when single row is selected has been fixed.
  • #I402071 - Column chooser with frozen columns and wrap mode as header throws script error has been fixed.
  • #I404733 - SetRowData method is not working properly used inside the childGrid is fixed.

Image Editor

Bug Fixes

  • Issue with “Screen Orientation Alignment in mobile mode” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with Localization and Accessibility has been resolved.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #I406164 - Now, the Ink annotations from the import JSON file present on the last page.
  • #I406143 - Now, the Page Index property is present in the form field collections while adding the form fields.
  • #I406883 - Now, the Deleted ink annotations do not exist after scrolling the document.
  • #I408609 - Now, the Keyboard shortcuts are working properly.
  • #I383963 - Now, the Form fields are allowed to rename without affecting any other field.
  • #I406552 - Now, The removal of fields from other pages is prevented while the field is programmatically focused.
  • #I406586 - Now, Ink annotation is not missing in the annotation collection.
  • #I408087 - Now, adequate space in the type signature field.
  • #I404936 - Now, Typed signature is appeared from the downloaded document.
  • #I406793 - Now, two custom stamps can’t be selected at the same time.

Speed Dial Preview

The Speed Dial component is an extension of the floating action button that displays a list of action buttons when clicked. It is useful when there is more than one primary action for the page.

  • Rendering - The Speed Dial component can be rendered in two display modes: Linear and Radial.
  • Positioning - Supports to place various built-in positions on the target element.
  • Styles - The appearance of the Speed Dial can be customized using predefined styles.
  • Template Support - The Speed Dial component action items and popup container can also be rendered with custom templates.
  • Modal Support - Supports showing a modal overlay behind the Speed Dial.
  • Accessibility - The Speed Dial provides built-in compliance with the WAI-ARIA specifications and it is achieved through attributes.


Bug Fixes

  • #I404920 - Issue with “wrong date value returns while passing negative value to the date formula calculation “ has been resolved.
  • #I405151 - Issue with “cell value is not updated in the UI level when applied number format” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #384387 - The issue with “Switch component click event trigger two times when we handling enable/disable dynamically” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I406947 - Resolved cursor icon disappears while resizing after the cell editing.
  • #I402612 - Newly added record positioned properly when no records are selected with remote data binding


Bug Fixes

  • #I318072 - The issue with “Checkbox is not added to dropped node, when drop target TreeView has enabled with checkboxes in the TreeView component” has been resolved.