Essential Studio for Angular Release Notes

September 6, 2022


Bug Fixes

I397712 - Resolved Reactive Form Control and Group not working issue.

Bullet Chart

Bug Fixes

  • #I400762 - Bullet Chart target height is now render properly.
  • #I400763 - Bullet chart axis labels are now center aligned, when changing value height.


Bug Fixes

  • #I400391 - X axis start label is now shifted when y axis is in opposed position.
  • #I400062 - Now the axis lines are displayed properly after the scrollbar.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I401666, #I401858 - Resolved the issue with selecting bookmark.
  • #I396827 - Resolved the through wrapping style preservation issue.
  • #I397297 - Resolved the table alignment issue.
  • #I398051 - Resolved the invalid text rendering issue.
  • #I397670 - Resolved the browser hanging issue while changing the line spacing continuously.
  • #I390697 - Shape is now preserved properly on undo/redo.

Bug Fixes

  • #I398924 - The issue “console error occurred While using cssClass and floatLabelType property” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I398466 - Tab key navigation breaks the functionality of Grid while using toolbar template has been fixed.
  • #I396595, #I396424 - Group Caption template becomes empty in previous page while doing infiniteScrolling has been fixed.
  • #F176349 - Key press in grid with toolbar template throws script errors has been fixed.
  • #I397834 - queryString as complex field is not working in Hierarchy Grid has been fixed.
  • #I397934 - Date filter issue with Russian Language has been fixed.

Bug Fixes

  • #I396977 - The issue with “SetItem method not working properly for customized menu item” has been resolved.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #I398958 - Now, Script error does not occurs while adding signature and initial fields when enable form field is false.
  • #I397605 - Now, If a portion of the free text annotation is outside the viewer, moving or resizing it will bring that annotation inside viewer.
  • #I392269 - Now, considered both GUID and description while importing the annotations .
  • #I398972 - Now, The Script error is not occurred while saving the PDF consecutively with Calibrate perimeter control .
  • #I399220 - Now, Some form fields are not removed on reloading the downloaded document .
  • #I389566 - Now, The Script error is not occurred while try to change PDF view to text view in sample .
  • #I369895 - When an image signature is added programmatically, the width is now properly maintained.
  • #I388895 - Now, stamp annotations comments displays valid time in comment panel for any culture.


Bug Fixes

  • #I399576 - Issue with Custom operator not set properly when we set one field is a prefix of other field as number in query builder has been fixed.
  • #I375472 - Issue with Change event not trigger for changing field for default column to rule template column in query builder has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I398993 - Issue with “data with trailing zero is not filtered properly in the filter popup” has been resolved.
  • #I399452 - Issue with “console error throws while deleting or inserting rows” has been resolved.
  • #I399629, #I399317 - Issue with “previously applied conditional formatting is removed when user applies a second conditional formatting to the same range of data” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with “Change event is triggered without changing the value when we focusout the component” has been resolved.