Essential Studio for Angular Release Notes

September 14, 2021


Bug Fixes

  • #I341014, #I341412 - Histogram chart rendering fine while using negative points.
  • #I340071 - Chart zooming is proper now when the axis is inversed.
  • #I341644 - Unwired the resize event for accumulation chart.


Bug Fixes

  • #I340597 - Tooltip template will now render properly when the Circular Gauge size is smaller than the template’s width.


Bug Fixes

  • #F168372 - Issue with “invalid date time is updated to the input while enabling the masked date time” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I341447 - The issue “The historyChange event is not triggered while rotate and move the node” has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • The issue with “Draggable cursor not shown properly in the dialog header, when there are nested dialogs” has been resolved.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I337118 - Resolved the table rendering issue.
  • #I338123 - Form field elements are now aligned properly.

Bug Fixes

  • Issue with keyboard action has been resolved.

Bug Fixes

  • #I341137 - Issue with “fixed grouping headers are not updated while scrolling the popup after set the grouping dynamically” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #340421 - In smaller resolution the splitter appeared in wrong position issue has been fixed.
  • #341502 - Indicators disappear when datasource changed dynamically issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F168526 - enablePersistence was not maintained when filtering applied on foreignKey column.
  • #I335206 - Throws script error while adding the stacked columns dynamically is fixed.
  • #I341127 - Excel filter sub menus does not open in mobile device is Fixed.
  • #I340337 - Immutable mode doesn’t work for deep compare data issue has been fixed.
  • #I336801 - Infinite scrolling with editing with checkbox selection issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I340075 - The issue with “Resizing the table columns, is not updated the table cells properly” has been resolved.
  • #I332614 - The issue with “Table row and column are not resizable, when its position in the editor exceeds the height of the Rich Text Editor” has been resolved.

Bug Fixes

  • #I341648 - The issue with “The resize event is not unwired after destroying the Sidebar component” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • I341489 - Content on cells getting duplicated after removing unique function issue resolved.
  • I321503 - Formula value not updated while changing its dependent cell, Add / delete rows and columns not updated the formula reference, Renamed sheet not updated in formula reference and Alignment issues while switching between sheets issues resolved.
  • I339957 - Copy method not working while pasting the copied data using ctrl+v action issue resolved.
  • I339531 - Insert column and cut / paste column actions not updated the range data issue resolved.
  • I338070 - Merged cells copy and paste the whole row issue has been fixed.