Essential Studio for Angular Release Notes

July 14, 2020


Bug Fixes

  • #155030 - Chart annotation is not working in datetime axis issue fixed.
  • #280301 - Radar and polar chart tooltip cropping issue fixed.
  • #155580 - Chart not rendered properly, when interval type is minutes for DateTime axis issue fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F155218 - The issue “DOM Exception occurs when try to change z index of group node” has been fixed.
  • #279793 - The issue of “Diagram Performance is slow in the Blazor WebAssembly app” has been fixed.
  • #281789 - The issue with “Exception occurs when try to load the diagram with line routing” has been fixed.
  • #281383 - The issue with “Exception occurs when try to add the group node in palette through addPaletteItem method” has been fixed.
  • #279047 - The issue of “Exception occurs when try to show context menu in diagram with all items as hidden” has been fixed.
  • #278621 - The issue of “When try to delete the swimlane diagram becomes unresponsive” has been fixed.
  • #278823 - The issue of “Vertical Swimlane indexes are not properly updated” has been fixed.
  • #271665 - The issue of “Exception throws when run symbol palette component in react production mode” has been fixed.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #283180 - Resolved font family no records found issue.
  • #282303 - Paste dropdown now hides when creating or opening new document.
  • #280951 - Table content renders properly now for table with merged cells.
  • #280973 - Resolved script while getting bookmarks from selection.


  • Added API to delete bookmark.
  • #267515- Added API to get searched item hierarchical index.

Excel Export


  • Custom separator support is provided in Grid to CSV export.


Bug Fixes

  • #283063, #283067, #283061 - Now, required field validation works properly for date picker component.


Bug Fixes

  • #278235 - Parent Id is not updated properly on row drag and drop action issue gets resolved.
  • F155766 - PDF export document Gantt timeline issue after zooming has been resolved.
  • #279872 - Issue while updating add and edit dialog fields in action begin events are resolved.
  • #275651 - Issue while dynamically updating worWeek gets fixed.
  • #277029 - Updating custom column in action begin event issue gets resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #278574 - Virtualization scroll jumps when rendering grid inside the dialog component issue has been fixed.
  • #283109 - Column Templates are removed in the Infinite scrolling issue has been fixed.
  • #281788 - Infinite scroll editing issue has been fixed.
  • #282440 - White space occurs while scrolling left and right in Frozen columns with virtualization issue has been fixed.
  • #283323, #283973 - Triggering multiple actionBegin and actionComplete event while show/hide column issue has been fixed.
  • #283675 - Script error while using excel filter has been fixed.
  • #276276 - dateTime filtering issue with URLAdaptor has been fixed.
  • #279521 - Scrollbar now refreshes correctly after filtering with frozen columns and virtualization present.
  • #279969 - ActionBegin event arguments cancel property retained issue has been fixed.
  • #281958 - BoxWithBorder selection issue has been fixed.
  • #282215 - When resetOnRowClick is enabled, records in the previous page are not deselected issue has been fixed.
  • #280984 - When enable frozen columns and resize, aggregate cells alignment issue has been fixed.
  • #282759, #280077 - Scrollbar when clicking childgrid page container, issue has been fixed.
  • #282379 - Provided catch exception for pdf exporting.
  • #280511 - Cell focus not retained when escape key pressed while editing has been fixed.

In-place Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #F154491 - The issue with “OnActionBegin event triggers only during the second time, when configuring validation with Date mode in the In-place Editor” has been resolved.
  • #283160 - The issue with “validation occurs, when the validationRules API has not been configured in the In-place Editor” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #283346 - Issue with “chip content is not displayed in bootstrap4 theme when disable the control” has been resolved.

Pdf Export

Bug Fixes

  • Rendering issue with Pdf number style is fixed.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #F155593, #I283379 - Now, PDF Viewer control is working in IE.


  • #I281898 - Provided the support to add comments programmatically for the newly added annotations.


Bug Fixes

  • Progress bar label not render at end of the progress has been fixed.
  • SetAttribute of undefined issue raised when calling show() method has been fixed.


  • Provided support to indicate the active state of the progress.
  • Provided support for striped progress bar.
  • Provided support to place the labels at the center and far ends of the track.
  • Provided support to segment the progress of a task.
  • Provided support to indicate success, info, warning, and danger of using different colors.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with ‘locale’ is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #278655 - Start and end of range slider values are wrongly calculated in changed event issue fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #282644 - The issue with “Deleting the image using context menu doesn’t remove the resize and borders of the image” in the Rich Text Editor has been resolved.
  • #273140 - The issue with “the image element which is not passed into the actionComplete event’s argument in the Rich Text Editor” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • 282664 - Dynamic change is not working properly in sparkline issue is fixed.


Bug Fixes

#I276272- Spinner not showed until remote data being loaded issue is fixed.


#I282699- Provided option to prevent protected sheet dialog box in spreadsheet.


Bug Fixes

  • #F155077- Records rendered properly while using remote data with jQuery unobtrusive library.