Essential Studio for Angular Release Notes

April 1, 2020


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved components not get rendered when we disable IVY in angular 9.


Bug Fixes

  • #268306 - Tooltip hiding in column chart has beed fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • F152308 - Context menu popup position misaligned while using beforeOpen event has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #266107 - The issue “Some nodes are not properly arranged in ComplexHierarchicalTree layout” has been fixed.
  • #267299 - The issue “Performance issues with scroll the layout with overview” has been fixed.
  • F152154 - The issue “Tooltip is not stay in fixed position” has been fixed.
  • F152224, #267708 - The issue “Some nodes dragged from the palette are not dropped properly in the diagram” has been fixed.
  • F152314, F152315 - The issue “Exception raised while loading a JSON data in load Diagram method” has been fixed.
  • #268272 - The issue “Not able to disable the Lane header” has been fixed.
  • #267836 - The issue “Port to Port connector docking is not proper in the Line routing” has been fixed.
  • F152279 - The issue “Swim-lane header is not proper while swapping the lane when the swimlane Node Constraints are set to None” has been fixed.
  • #269114 - The issue “Node dragging in swimlane is not working properly when line routing is enabled” has been fixed.


  • #267720, F152484 - Support to add annotation object in the text Edit event arguments

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #263861 - Table cells are now resized properly.
  • #260600 , #266651 - RTL characters are now remove properly on backspace and delete.
  • #260600 - When direction is RTL, elements now rearranged properly after change character formatting.
  • #250770 , #263443 - RTL text layout properly with special characters.
  • #264351 - Justify paragraph is layout properly when paragraph contains field.
  • #264631 - Stop protection is now working if password is empty.
  • #263171 - Cell options dialog content is now aligned properly.
  • #150960 - Hidden separator in context menu when hyperlink is disabled.
  • #150995 - Resolved error when importing the document with editable region restrictions.
  • #260600, #150466 , #266311 - Properties pane is now enabled properly based on the context type in header footer region.
  • #260133 - Resolved navigation issue on Ctrl + click in MAC machine.
  • 150960 - Enable/disable comment now working properly.
  • #263608 , #150960 - Resolved script error when disable toolbar.
  • #261241 - Resolved script error when remove hyperlink in splitted widget.
  • #259011 - Paragraph before spacing layout issue is now resolved.
  • #260206 - Resolved numbering list issue when list contains start at value.
  • #260206 - Restart numbering is now working properly for different number format.
  • #260637 - Resolved script error when removing comment in header.
  • #249197 - Resolved exception when export Sfdt to other type in server side.
  • #252868 - Resolved script error when resize row to next page.
  • #259972 - Formatting is now applied properly for keep text only option in paste.
  • #258191 - Table cell width are now updated properly.
  • #260133, #261809 - Page scrolling issue is resolved when right click in MAC machine.
  • #258087, #255070 - Grid columns are now preserved properly on export.
  • #255070 - Page headers is now export properly when section break in table.
  • #259583 - List level number for style paragraph is now export properly.
  • #259153 - Table cell width and height is now copy properly.
  • #258121 - Resolved warnings in bootstrap4 styles when run the application in Firefox.
  • #249197 - Highlight colours are now exported properly.
  • #260048, #256276 - Image files are now pasted properly.
  • #256903 - Resolved bookmarks API issue when bookmark is in table.
  • #256758 - Resolved selection issue after correcting the spelling mistake.
  • #258938 - Resolved typo error in place holder of comments text area.
  • #257481 - Font family in font dialog is now update properly based on current selection.
  • #257171 - Bookmarks is now update properly after paste with formatting.
  • #257161 - List number is now update properly when hidden field contains list paragraph.
  • #246365 - Borders are now render properly when copy and paste from excel.
  • #257455 - Font colour is now update properly in modify style dialog.
  • #250770 - Line is now arranged properly when insert field.
  • #255913, #257879 - Bookmark is now insert properly in splitted paragraph.
  • #255736 , #256106 , #257011 - Context menu is now open in Firefox, Edge and Safari.
  • #254998 - Character format is now apply properly for selected bookmark.
  • #254997, #256764, #257106 , #256764 - Paragraph format is now export properly if document contains selection.
  • #255272 - Resolved script error when navigate to bookmark in header.
  • #255188 - Bookmark is now preserved properly in header and footer.
  • #255601 - Bookmark is now select properly after insert text.
  • #256385 - Copy is now working properly in Firefox.
  • #256321 - Auto fit table is now lay-out properly if maximum word width exceeds container width.
  • #256509 - Resolved script error throws on backspace when selection is in bookmark end.
  • #256053 - TOC outline level is now serialized properly on Word export.
  • #256449 - Bullet list is now render properly in IOS chrome and safari.
  • #256099 - List is now apply properly in multilevel list.
  • #256384 - Tab width is now update properly when paragraph contains hanging indent.
  • #264048 , #267560 - Header style formatting is now preserved properly in local copy and paste.
  • #266571 - Table with auto fit is now layout properly.
  • #266534 - Resolved text navigation issue when spell check is enabled.
  • #151718 - Dynamic toolbar injection is now working properly.
  • #266060 - Fixed paste match destination formatting issue.
  • #267089 , #255993 - Fixed exception when pasting html content.
  • #267793, #152022 - Resolved page scrolling issue when copy is triggered.
  • #267769 - Table width is not update properly when insert table inside table cell.


  • 249782, 254484, 149278,258415,260463 - Added support for toolbar customization.
  • 253670 - Enhancements for copy and paste operation.
  • #262665, #151012 - Added API to customize search highlight colour.
  • #249197 - Added API to enable/disable spell check action.
  • #237725, #253671 - Added support for web layout.
  • #260639 - Added enableComment property to enable and disable comment.
  • #259970 - Handled paste list behaviour using start at value of list.
  • #256487 - Enhancements for mouse and keyboard selection.

Breaking Changes

  • Default value of enableLocalPaste is set to false. So, by default, the content will be pasted from the system clipboard.
  • Some locale properties are renamed as below
Previous Now
Linked(Paragraph and Character) Linked Style
Don’t add space between the paragraphs of the same styles Contextual Spacing
The password don’t match Password Mismatch
Exceptions (optional) Exceptions Optional
Select parts of the document and choose users who are allowed to freely edit them. Select Part Of Document And User
Yes, Start Enforcing Protection Enforcing Protection
This document is protected from unintentional editing. You may edit in this region. Protected Document
You may format text only with certain styles. You may format text only with certain styles
Type your comment hear Type your comment here
Added comments not posted. If you continue, that comment will be discarded. Discard Comment
Header & Footer Header And Footer
Different header and footer for odd and even pages. Different header and footer for odd and even pages
Different Odd & Even Pages Different Odd And Even Pages
Different header and footer for first page. Different header and footer for first page
Distance from top of the page to top of the header Distance from top of the page to top of the header
Distance from bottom of the page to bottom of the footer. Distance from bottom of the page to bottom of the footer
Insert / Delete Insert Or Delete
Number of heading or outline levels to be shown in table of contents. Number of heading or outline levels to be shown in table of contents
Show page numbers in table of contents. Show page numbers in table of contents
Right align page numbers in table of contents. Right align page numbers in table of contents
Use hyperlinks instead of page numbers. Use hyperlinks instead of page numbers
Bold (Ctrl+B) Bold Tooltip
Italic (Ctrl+I) Italic Tooltip
Underline (Ctrl+U) Underline Tooltip
Superscript (Ctrl+Shift++) Superscript Tooltip
Subscript (Ctrl+=) Subscript Tooltip
Align left (Ctrl+L) Align left Tooltip
Center (Ctrl+E) Center Tooltip
Align right (Ctrl+R) Align right Tooltip
Justify (Ctrl+J) Justify Tooltip
Create a new document. Create a new document
Open a document. Open a document
Undo the last operation (Ctrl+Z). Undo Tooltip
Redo the last operation (Ctrl+Y). Redo Tooltip
Insert inline picture from a file. Insert inline picture from a file
Create a link in your document for quick access to web pages and files (Ctrl+K). Create Hyperlink
Insert a bookmark in a specific place in this document. Insert a bookmark in a specific place in this document
Provide an overview of your document by adding a table of contents. Provide an overview of your document by adding a table of contents
Add or edit the header. Add or edit the header
Add or edit the footer. Add or edit the footer
Open the page setup dialog. Open the page setup dialog
Add page numbers. Add page numbers
Find text in the document (Ctrl+F). Find Text
The current page number in the document. Click or tap to navigate specific page. Current Page Number


Bug Fixes

  • #264099 - Console error on tab key press has been fixed.
  • #269692,#269690 - Issue on focussing to the next element has been fixed.
  • #269772 - Prevented taskbar editing tooltip while tooltip is disabled.


Bug Fixes

  • #151795 - Provided the row information when clicking the row drag and drop icon.
  • #266184, #269384, #270479 - Last row cell is not saved properly in batch edit mode issue has been fixed.
  • #267889 - Saving Null value as NaN in numeric edit columns issue has been fixed.
  • #268588 - Script error while destroying the grouping enabled hierarchy Grid has been fixed.
  • #269161 - Column chooser issue in IE11 has been resolved.



  • Priority Support: The features enable to render the cards based on the priority value. So, user can easily drag and drop the cards to particular place.
  • Dialog Editing: The dialog editing support is used to perform CRUD actions such as add new card, edit or delete existing cards.

The Kanban component is an efficient way to visually depict work at various stages of a process using cards, columns, and swimlane.

  • Data binding: Seamless data binding with various local and remote data sources.
  • Swimlane: The horizontal categorization of cards in the kanban, which brings transparency to the workflow. The swimlane rows can be expanded and collapsed.
  • Key mapping: Map one or multiple keys to single columns.
  • Toggle Columns: The columns can be expanded and collapsed.
  • WIP Validation: Set a minimum and maximum number of cards in a column.
  • Priority Support: The features enable to render the cards based on the priority value. So, user can easily drag and drop the cards to particular place.
  • Dialog Editing: The dialog editing support is used to perform CRUD actions such as add new card, edit or delete existing cards.
  • Drag and Drop: Cards can be easily dragged and dropped from one column to another. You can also drag them from one swim lane to another.
  • Stacked headers: Additional column headers can be added in a stacked manner.
  • Tooltip: Display the card information with a default tooltip and templated tooltip.
  • Selection: Select a single or multiple cards.
  • Templates: The key elements such as cards, column headers, swimlanes and tooltip come with template support for embedding any kind of HTML element and CSS style.
  • Responsive rendering: Adapts with optimal user interfaces to mobile and desktop form-factors.
  • Localization: All the static text content can be localized to any desired language.
  • RTL: Display the control contents from right to left.


Bug Fixes

  • moveTo method is not working properly when listbox have disabled items has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #269547 - The issue with ListView move backwards during text selection has been resolved.
  • #266788 - The issue with Checkbox is not displayed while enabling the virtualization property in ListView has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #268354 - shapeDataPath property will now work properly in the Maps control.
  • #263976 - Data label template will render properly now in the sublayers.


  • #264809 - Latitude and longitude values are exposed in the arguments of panning event of the Maps control.

Bug Fixes

  • Menu not working properly when collapsing the sub menu in hamburger mode has been resolved.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #I269004 – The typo errors in PDF Viewer JSON objects has been resolved.
  • #I266218, #I266559 - The import/export form fields are now working properly for the form fields data contains special characters.
  • #I268505 - Download is now working properly for different culture settings.
  • #I268109 - The updated label content is now preserved properly in the exported annotation data.


  • #I268975 - Exposed the event for notifying page mouse over action.
  • #I264529 - Exposed the volume calibrate annotation depth value in annotationSelect event arguments and provide options to edit the depth value.
  • #I263297, #I268677 - Provided the options to enable and disable the tile rendering mode.
  • #I263473 - Provided the isLock options to individual annotation object level.

Progress Bar

ProgressBar control is used to visualize the changing status of an extended operation such as a download, file transfer, or installation. All Progress bar elements are rendered by using the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG).

  • Type - Visualizes the progress in different shapes, such as rectangle and circle.
  • Annotation - Displays the custom content at the center of the circular progress bar.
  • Segments - Visualizes the progress in different segments.
  • Angle - Customizes the angle of the circular progress bar.
  • Customization - Customizes the progress, tracks thickness, and color.
  • Animation - Progress bar be animated when rendering and refreshing the widget.

Radio Button

Bug Fixes

  • Radio button not working properly when clicked inside splitter control has been resolved.



  • #266522 - Provided scrollable option support to the toolbar by setting toolbar type as Scrollable in Rich Text Editor.


Bug Fixes

  • #269264 - An issue with last occurrence of the recurrence event is not rendered on month view has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Keyboard navigation not working in bootstrap4 has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

#I256901 - Used range not setting properly while using cell data binding issue is fixed.
#I264109 - Error alert doesn’t shows when named range given with space issue is fixed.
#I266607 - Header created multiple time while adding the sheet model dynamically is fixed.


  • Merge cells: Provides option to can combine two or more cells located in the same row or column into a single cell.

Breaking Changes

  • API name changes.
Old Property New Property
activeSheetTab activeSheetIndex


Bug Fixes

  • #263811- Now, multiline textbox expand and collapse icon aligned properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #F152391 - The issue with Tooltip content component reference is not destroyed has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #266963- Drag and drop works fine in unordered list of data.
  • #F151795 - Localization support works fine in Add row, Above, Below Context Menu Items.
  • #F151795- In Drag and drop, while dropping at first row, its border color is changed properly.
  • #267541- ExpandAll works fine with Virtualization feature.