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StaticFunctions API in Angular Spreadsheet API component

Root static functions of Spreadsheet Component


To get cell address from given row and column index.

Parameter Type Description
sRow number Specifies the row.
sCol number Specifies the col.

Returns string


To get single cell indexes

Parameter Type Description
address string Specifies the address.

Returns number[]


To get column header cell text

Parameter Type Description
colIndex number Specifies the colIndex.

Returns string


To get range address from given range indexes.

Parameter Type Description
range number[] Specifies the range.

Returns string


To get range indexes.

Parameter Type Description
range string Specifies the range.

Returns number[]


Check whether the text is formula or not.

Parameter Type Description
text string Specify the text.
isEditing (optional) boolean Specify the isEditing.

Returns boolean


Check whether the value is cell reference or not.

Parameter Type Description
value string Specify the value to check.

Returns boolean


Check whether the value is character or not.

Parameter Type Description
value string Specify the value to check.

Returns boolean


If the primary cell in the merged range row/column is hidden, then this method will update the next visible row/column index within the merged range.

Parameter Type Description
args VisibleMergeIndexArgs Specifies the args.

Returns void


Worker task.

Parameter Type Description
context Object Specify the context.
taskFn Function | { : } | Specify the task.
callbackFn Function Specify the callbackFn.
data (optional) Object[] Specify the data.
preventCallback (optional) boolean Specify the preventCallback.
parent (optional) Workbook Specify the Workbook instance.

Returns WorkerHelper


Populates culture-based number formats in the custom format dialog. By default, the decimal separator, group separator, and currency symbol are updated based on the current culture. Currency and date formats can vary across cultures. Excel maintains a default number format ID for each format code in the custom format dialog. This method maps these culture-based format codes to their corresponding number format IDs, and the mapped formats will be populated in the custom format dialog.

Returns void


This method converts a culture-specific format code, which may include localized decimal separators, group separators, and currency symbols, to a default culture (en-US) format code. The default format uses a default decimal separator (.), group separators (,), and a currency symbol.

Parameter Type Description
context Workbook Specifies the workbook instance containing the format code to be converted.
format string The culture-specific format code, with localized decimal separators, group separators, and currency symbols,
that needs to be converted to the default format.

Returns string


Retrieves the built-in format code based on the specified number format type in either localized or non-localized format.

Parameter Type Description
type NumberFormatType Specifies the type of number formatting.

Returns string