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PivotActionCompleteEventArgs API in Angular Pivotfieldlist API component

The action complete event arguments provide information about the current UI action, such as the current action name, current datasource settings, selected field information, and the current action information which are configured based on the UI actions like drill down/up, value sorting, built-in toolbar options, grouping bar and field list buttons actions such as sorting, filtering, editing, aggregate type change and so on, CRUD operation in editing in the Pivot Table.




Defines the unique information of the current UI action performed.



Defines name of the current UI action completed. The following are the UI actions and their names: Pivot Table

  • Drill down and drill up - Drill down/up.
  • Value sorting - Value sorted.


  • New report - New report added.
  • Save report - Report saved.
  • Save as report - Report re-saved.
  • Rename report - Report renamed.
  • Remove report - Report removed.
  • Load report - Report loaded.
  • Conditional Formatting - Conditional formatting applied.
  • Number Formatting - Number formatting applied.
  • Show Fieldlist - Field list closed.
  • Show Table - Table view shown.
  • Chart menu - Chart view shown.
  • Export menu - PDF/Excel/CSV exported.
  • Sub-totals menu - Sub-totals shown/hidden.
  • Grand totals menu - Grand totals shown/hidden.
  • MDX - MDX dialog closed.

Grouping bar and Field List buttons

  • Editing - Calculated field edited.
  • Remove - Field removed.
  • Sorting - Field sorted.
  • Filtering - Field filtered.
  • Aggregation - Field aggregated.

Field List UI

  • Field list tree - Field tree sorted.
  • Calculated field button - Calculated field applied.


  • Save - Edited records saved.
  • Add - New record added.
  • Delete - Record removed.
  • Update - Edited records updated.



Defines the current data source settings information such as rows, columns, values, filters, etc., that are used to render the pivot table and field list.



Defines the current field information on which field the action takes.

This option is applicable only when the field-based UI actions are performed such as filtering, sorting, field remove, editing and aggregation change.