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Overview API in Angular Gantt API component


Name Description
GanttComponent ejs-gantt represents the Angular Gantt Component.


Name Description
AddDialogFieldDirective e-add-dialog-field directive represent a add dialog fields collection in Gantt task add dialog.
It must be contained in a Gantt component(ejs-gantt).
ColumnDirective e-column directive represent a column of the Angular Gantt.
It must be contained in a Gantt component(ejs-gantt).
DayWorkingTimeDirective e-day-working-time-collection directive represent a working time ranges in a day.
It must be contained in a Gantt component(ejs-gantt).
EditDialogFieldDirective e-edit-dialog-field directive represent a edit dialog fields collection in Gantt task add dialog.
It must be contained in a Gantt component(ejs-gantt).
EventMarkerDirective e-event-markers directive represent a event marker collection in Gantt.
It must be contained in a Gantt component(ejs-gantt).
HolidayDirective e-holidays directive represent a holidays collection in Gantt.
It must be contained in a Gantt component(ejs-gantt).
WeekWorkingTimeDirective e-week-working-times directive represent a working time ranges in a day.
It must be contained in a Gantt component(ejs-gantt).