Gets bookmark name collection.
Gets the instance of selection cell format.
Gets the instance of selection character format.
Gets the context type of the selection.
Returns the end hierarchical index.
Gets the page number where the selection ends.
Gets the instance of selection image format.
Returns true if selection is in field.
Gets the instance of selection paragraph format.
Gets the instance of selection row format.
Gets the instance of selection section format.
Gets the selected content of the document as SFDT(Syncfusion Document Text) file format.
Returns the start hierarchical index.
Gets the page number where the selection starts.
Gets the instance of selection table format.
Gets the text within selection.
Determines whether the specified start and end position of the selection is inside the edit region.
Parameter | Type | Description |
start (optional) | TextPosition |
Specify the start position of the selection. |
end (optional) | TextPosition |
Specify the end position of the selection. |
Returns boolean
Closes the header and footer region.
Returns void
Closes the xml Pane region.
Returns void
Copies the selected content to clipboard.
Returns void
Copies the hyperlink URL if the context is within hyperlink.
Returns void
Extends the selection backward.
Returns void
Extends the selection forward.
Returns void
Extends the selection to line end
Returns void
Extends the selection to line start.
Returns void
Extends the selection to next line.
Returns void
Extends the selection to the paragraph end.
Returns void
Extends the selection to the paragraph start.
Returns void
Extends the selection to previous line.
Returns void
Extends the selection to word end.
Returns void
Extends the selection to word end.
Returns void
Extends the selection to word start.
Returns void
Gets the bookmark name collection in current selection.
Parameter | Type | Description |
includeHidden (optional) | boolean |
Decide whether to include hidden bookmark name in current selection or not. |
Returns string[]
Returns the cells in between the bounds.
Parameter | Type | Description |
table | TableWidget |
Specify the table to find cells. |
columnFirst | number |
Specify start index of column to find cells. |
columnLast | number |
Specify end index of column to find cells. |
bookmark | BookmarkElementBox |
Specify the bookmark element. |
Returns TableCellWidget[]
Retrieves the information about the content control associated with the current selection.
Returns ContentControlInfo
Returns an array of context-based paste options.
Returns string[]
Gets the field information for the selected field.
Returns FieldInfo
Gets the context type of next character or element.
Parameter | Type | Description |
isElement (optional) | boolean |
Decides whether to get next context type from element or character. By default, character. |
Returns string
Gets the context type of previous character or element.
Parameter | Type | Description |
isElement (optional) | boolean |
Decides whether to get previous context type from element or character. By default, character. |
Returns string
Moves the selection to the footer of current page.
Returns void
Moves the selection to the header of current page.
Returns void
Moves the selection to the start of specified page number.
Parameter | Type | Description |
pageNumber | number |
Specify the page number to move selection. |
Returns void
Determines whether the selection is inside the edit region.
Returns boolean
Moves the selection to the end of the document.
Returns void
Moves the selection to the start of the document.
Returns void
Moves the selection to end of the current line.
Returns void
Moves the selection to start of the current line.
Returns void
Moves the selection to the next character.
Returns void
Moves the selection to the next line.
Returns void
Moves the selection to the current paragraph end.
Returns void
Moves the selection to the current paragraph start.
Returns void
Moves the selection to the previous character.
Returns void
Moves the selection to the previous line.
Returns void
Fires the requestNavigate
event if current selection context is in hyperlink.
Returns void
Navigates to the next comment in the document.
Returns void
Navigates to the next revision in the document.
Returns void
Navigates to the previous comment in the document.
Returns void
Navigates to the previous revision in the document.
Returns void
Navigates to the next editing region, where current user can edit.
Returns void
Navigates to the next endnote from the current selection
Returns void
Navigates to the next footnote from the current selection.
Returns void
Navigates to the previous endnote from the current selection.
Returns void
Navigates to the previous footnote from the current selection.
Returns void
Selects content based on selection settings
Returns void
Selects the content based on the specified start and end hierarchical index.
Parameter | Type | Description |
start | string |
Specify the start hierarchical index. |
end | string |
Specify the end hierarchical index. |
Returns void
Selects the entire document.
Returns void
Selects the specified bookmark.
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
Specify the bookmark name to select. |
excludeBookmarkStartEnd (optional) | boolean |
Specify true to exclude bookmark start and end from selection, otherwise false. |
Returns void
Selects the cells between bookmark start and end.
Parameter | Type | Description |
bookmark | BookmarkElementBox |
Specify the bookmark. |
Returns void
Selects the content based on the specified start and end hierarchical index.
Parameter | Type | Description |
start | string |
Specify the start index to select. |
end | string |
Specify the end index to select. |
Returns void
Selects the entire cell if the context is within table.
Returns void
Selects the entire column if the context is within table.
Returns void
Selects the current word.
Parameter | Type | Description |
excludeSpace (optional) | boolean |
True if exclude white space; Otherwise, false. |
Returns void
Selects the current field if selection is in field
Parameter | Type | Description |
fieldStart (optional) | FieldElementBox |
Specify the field start to select. |
Returns void
Selects the current line.
Returns void
Selects the current paragraph.
Returns void
Selects the entire row if the context is within table.
Returns void
Selects the entire table if the context is within table.
Returns void
Shows all the editing region, where current user can edit.
Returns void
Highlights all the editing region, where current user can edit.
Returns void