Background API in Angular Diagram API component
Defines the size and appearance of the diagram page
Defines how to align the background image over the diagram area.
- None - Alignment value will be set as none
- XMinYMin - smallest X value of the view port and smallest Y value of the view port
- XMidYMin - midpoint X value of the view port and smallest Y value of the view port
- XMaxYMin - maximum X value of the view port and smallest Y value of the view port
- XMinYMid - smallest X value of the view port and midpoint Y value of the view port
- XMidYMid - midpoint X value of the view port and midpoint Y value of the view port
- XMaxYMid - maximum X value of the view port and midpoint Y value of the view port
- XMinYMax - smallest X value of the view port and maximum Y value of the view port
- XMidYMax - midpoint X value of the view port and maximum Y value of the view port
- XMaxYMax - maximum X value of the view port and maximum Y value of the view port
Defaults to ‘None’
Defines the background color of diagram
Defaults to ‘transparent’
Defines how the background image should be scaled/stretched
- None - Scale value will be set as None for the image
- Meet - Scale value Meet will be set for the image
- Slice - Scale value Slice will be set for the image
Defaults to ‘None’
Defines the source of the background image
let background: BackgroundModel = { source: '',
scale: 'Slice', align: 'XMinYMin' };
let diagram: Diagram = new Diagram({
pageSettings: { width: 800, height: 600, orientation: 'Landscape',
background: background },
Defaults to ”