3D Chart Component
Secondary axis collection for the chart.
The background color of the chart that accepts value in hex and rgba as a valid CSS color string.
Defaults to null
The background image of the chart that accepts value in string as url link or location of an image.
Defaults to null
Options for customizing the color and width of the chart border.
Options to split chart into multiple plotting areas vertically. Each object in the collection represents a plotting area in the chart.
The dataLabel3DModule
is used to manipulate and add data label to the series.
| DataManager
Specifies the DataSource for the chart. It can be an array of JSON objects or an instance of DataManager.
<div id='Chart'></div>
let dataManager: DataManager = new DataManager({
url: 'http://mvc.syncfusion.com/Services/Northwnd.svc/Tasks/'
let query: Query = new Query().take(50).where('Estimate', 'greaterThan', 0, false);
let chart3D: Chart3D = new Chart3D({
series: [{
xName: 'Id',
yName: 'Estimate',
query: query
Defaults to ”
Depth of the 3D Chart from front view of the series to the background wall.
Defaults to 50
Description for chart.
Defaults to null
Enables or disables the export feature in the 3D chart.
Defaults to false
Enable or disable persisting component’s state between page reloads.
Defaults to false
If set true, enables the rotation in the 3D chart.
Defaults to false
Enable or disable rendering component in right to left direction.
Defaults to false
To enable the side by side placing the points for column type series.
Defaults to true
The Export Module is used to export chart.
The height of the chart as a string accepts input both as ‘100px’ or ‘100%‘. If specified as ‘100%, chart renders to the full height of its parent element.
Defaults to null
The highlight3DModule
is used to manipulate and add highlight to the chart.
Defines the color for the highlighted data point.
Defaults to ”
Specifies whether a series or data point should be highlighted. The options are:
Defaults to None
Specifies whether series or data point has to be selected. They are,
Defaults to None
If set true, enables the multi selection in chart. It requires selectionMode
to be Point
| Series
| or Cluster
Defaults to false
It specifies whether the chart should be render in transposed manner or not.
Defaults to false
The chart legend configuration options.
Overrides the global culture and localization value for this component. Default global culture is ‘en-US’.
Defaults to ”
Options to customize left, right, top and bottom margins of the chart.
Palette for the chart series.
Defaults to []
Defines the perspective angle for the 3D chart.
Defaults to 90
Options to configure the horizontal axis.
Options to configure the vertical axis.
Defines the rotating angle for the 3D chart.
Defaults to 0
Options to split Chart into multiple plotting areas horizontally. Each object in the collection represents a plotting area in the Chart.
Specifies the point indexes to be selected while loading a chart.
It requires selectionMode
or highlightMode
to be Point
| Series
| or Cluster
<div id='Chart'></div>
let chart3D: Chart3D = new Chart3D({
selectionMode: 'Point',
selectedDataIndexes: [ { series: 0, point: 1},
{ series: 2, point: 3} ],
Defaults to []
The selection3DModule
is used to manipulate and add selection to the chart.
Specifies whether a series or data point should be highlighted. The options are:
Defaults to None
Specifies whether series or data point has to be selected. They are,
Defaults to None
The configuration for series in the chart.
SubTitle of the chart.
Defaults to ”
Options for customizing the Subtitle of the Chart.
Specifies the theme for the chart.
Defaults to ‘Bootstrap5’
Defines the slope angle for the 3D chart.
Defaults to 0
Title of the chart
Defaults to ”
Options for customizing the title of the Chart.
The chart tooltip configuration options.
The tooltip3DModule
is used to manipulate and add tooltip to the series.
Specifies whether a grouping separator should be used for a number.
Defaults to false
Represents the color of the 3D wall.
Defaults to null
Defines the width of the 3D chart wall.
Defaults to 2
The width of the chart as a string accepts input as both like ‘100px’ or ‘100%‘. If specified as ‘100%, chart renders to the full width of its parent element.
Defaults to null
Adds new series to the chart
Parameter | Type | Description |
seriesCollection | Chart3DSeriesModel[] |
The series collection to be added to the chart. |
Returns void
Method to create SVG element.
Returns void
To destroy the widget.
Returns void
Export method for the chart.
Parameter | Type | Description |
type | ExportType |
Specifies the type of the export. |
fileName | string |
Specifies the file name of the exported file. |
Returns void
Prints the chart in the page.
Parameter | Type | Description |
id (optional) | string[] | string | Element |
The id of the chart to be printed on the page. |
Returns void
Removes a series from the chart
Parameter | Type | Description |
index | number |
The index of the series to be removed from the chart. |
Returns void
Triggers after the export completed.
Triggers before each axis label is rendered.
Triggers before the export gets started.
Triggers before the prints gets started.
Triggers before resizing of chart
Triggered when the user clicks on a 3D chart.
Triggered when the mouse is pressed down on a 3D chart.
Triggered when the cursor leaves a 3D chart.
Triggered when the user hovers over a 3D chart.
Triggered when the mouse button is released on a 3D chart.
Triggered when the user clicks on the legend.
Triggered when the legend is ready to render on the screen.
Triggered before the chart is loaded.
Triggered after the chart is loaded.
Triggered when the user clicks on data points.
Triggered when the user hovers over data points.
Triggered when the data point is ready to render on the screen.
Triggers after resizing of chart.
Triggers after the selection is completed.
Triggered when the series is ready to render on the screen.
Triggered when the data label is ready to render on the screen.
Triggered when the tooltip is ready to render on the screen.