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ChartDrawType API in Angular Chart API component

Type of series to be drawn in radar or polar series. They are:

  • Line - Renders the line series.
  • Column - Renders the column series.
  • Area - Renders the area series.
  • Scatter - Renders the scatter series.
  • Spline - Renders the spline series.
  • StackingColumn - Renders the stacking column series.
  • StackingArea - Renders the stacking area series.
  • RangeColumn - Renders the range column series.
  • SplineArea - Renders the spline area series.
  • Line
  • Column
  • StackingColumn
  • Area
  • Scatter
  • RangeColumn
  • Spline
  • SplineArea
  • StackingArea
  • StackingLine