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AccumulationDataLabel API in Angular Accumulation Chart API component

AccumulationDataLabel module used to render dataLabel.



Method to get data label collection.

Parameter Type Description
point AccPoints The data point for which to calculate the label collection.
dataLabel AccumulationDataLabelSettingsModel The data label settings for the series.

Returns void


To calculate label size.

Parameter Type Description
isTemplate boolean Indicates whether the label is a template.
childElement HTMLElement The child element of the label.
point AccPoints The point associated with the label.
points AccPoints[] The collection of points.
argsData IAccTextRenderEventArgs The arguments data for text rendering.
datalabelGroup Element The group element for data labels.
id string The id of the label.
dataLabel AccumulationDataLabelSettingsModel The settings for the data labels.
redraw (optional) boolean Indicates whether the labels are being redrawn.
clientRect (optional) ClientRect The client rectangle.
isReactCallback (optional) boolean Indicates whether a React callback is being used.

Returns void


To calculate label collection text size.

Parameter Type Description
labelCollection string[] The collection of label texts.
dataLabel AccumulationDataLabelSettingsModel The data label settings for the series.

Returns Size


To render the data labels from series points.

Parameter Type Description
point AccPoints The point for which to render the data label.
dataLabel AccumulationDataLabelSettingsModel The settings for the data labels.
parent Element The parent element to which the data labels are appended.
points AccPoints[] The collection of points in the series.
series number The index of the series.
templateElement (optional) HTMLElement The template element for the data label.
redraw (optional) boolean Indicates whether the data labels are being redrawn.

Returns void